Help Keep Gulfport Strong as Events Resume this Fall

Gulfport’s on the brink of re-opening, with appropriate social distancing protocols in place at three events: First Friday Art Walk, Indie Faire on Third Saturday, and every Tuesday at the Gulfport Tuesday Fresh Market.

Each of these events not only re-opens with a whole new look — more fresh local produce on Tuesdays, more Gulfport and Gulf Coast artists on First Fridays, and more Tampa Bay makers, bakers, and artisans on Third Saturday nights — they’re re-opening with strict social distancing and mask protocols. This will help keep our community safe and open. 

We need Gulfport STRONG Ambassadors to help keep our community safe. As an Ambassador, you’ll be able to enjoy the event as you stroll through it and chat with people who have questions. We’re asking that you make a circuit of the event 3-4 times per hour.

We’ll give you masks to share if you see someone who needs one, and we’ll also give you the information you need to point people towards hand sanitizer or hand-washing stations along Beach Boulevard. And, of course, your cheery smile and helpful demeanor will remind people why they love coming to visit Gulfport. 

You can wear your own mask, or we will give you one, but we ask that you properly wear a proper mask (over your nose and mouth) for the duration of the event.  To recap: We need volunteers to answer questions, offer masks, and represent Gulfport to our visitors. 
Are you ready to help keep Gulfport STRONG?

It’s easy to volunteer — here’s how:
1. Click this link for the Gulfport Tuesday Fresh Market, this link to volunteer at the Art Walk on October 2, and this link to volunteer at the Indie Faire, which begins October 17.
2. Take a look at the shifts available and sign up for the ones you want. 

That’s it! You don’t need to register or keep a password on file. doesn’t share your email address with anyone, but if you don’t want to use your email address, email us and tell us when you’d like to volunteer and we can sign you up manually.

Thank you for keeping Gulfport STRONG!

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