Article by By Michael Moses
The Centre-St. Pete Beach
7225 Blind Pass Road, St. Pete Beach FL 33706
KUBA en La Playa has been under construction at The Centre since before the first of the year, with the unique walk-up window on Blind Pass Road and outdoor seating replacing several parking spaces on the Centre’s north side. A “living wall” is planned, featuring plants native both to Florida and Cuba. Meanwhile, it is also time for issuance and renewal of a growing number of medicinal marijuana card holders, and Dr. Luis Ycaza of Triverde Health is offering both in-person and whenever possible, telehealth visits, which were recently extended until the end of February and maybe extended again. The doctor is in on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.
Yoga at the Centre got a boost from the schedule that was printed on this page last month. Here too, a limited number of participants can come to class in person, and an unlimited number can join virtually from anywhere they have Wifi. Sign up at online at www.wakeupmybody.com. You do not need to be a Centre member to participate. Yoga classes make great gifts!!!
If you need a gift for a loved one in pain, or having trouble sleeping, human or your pet, come in or call to get a recommended solution from amongst our in-stock, over-the-counter, top-quality, most tested, Impirica CBD products, from a local FDA compliant lab. Or choose MUV OTC CBD, including three-day patches, or well-loved Nature’s Pet CBD products.
The Centre proudly announces the beginning of meetings of HALOS (Healing After Loss of Suicide), a support group, one of the community outreach programs being introduced at the Centre in 2021.
Twice monthly, on the first and third Tuesdays from 7-8:30pm HALOS will meet at the Centre for in-sperson and online sessions, to help build a support system for suicide loss survivors, and to offer hope and healing on your journey to wellness. HALOS was started by Marie Dudek in Davenport Florida in 2007. The Pinellas chapter was started by Matthew Cook and Bonnie McClelland Oaks in 2009.
Come to talk, to listen, for your own support and to support others, as we all come to terms with our new realities. Contact Bonnie by email at 4halosgroup@gmail.com or by phone (727) 403-4355 to reserve a spot or to get info for online attendance.
The Centre is also proud to have forged a bond with Stoner Girls Us, a social media influencer group, that reviews & promotes cannabis related products and educates young women who wish to learn to become a positive influence within the cannabis industry. For more information on how to be involved, message Taylor on IG: stonergirltay.

If you have not seen CBD products for sale these days, you’re not getting out much. Like medicinal marijuana, these are derivatives of the hemp plant. The only scheduled (illegal) drug, the component that requires a doctor’s prescription- is called Delta-9. One milligram away is Delta-8, currently the fastest growing hemp product.
The National Cancer Institute lists Delta-8 in its drug dictionary as: “An analogue of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) with antiemetic, anxiolytic, appetite-stimulating, analgesic and neuro-protective properties.”
Just like CBD, not all Delta 8 is equal. One of the secrets is extraction and isolation. The Centre’s Delta-8 supplier, CBDNutra Tech has “a thermodynamics PhD who invented super hypercritical CO2 extraction systems and equipment for THC.”
Compared to medicinal marijuana, CBDNutraTech Delta-8 vape cartridges and gummies are described as “less psychoactive. You’re still going to get the uplifting feeling, but it’s more relaxed. It uses CB1 versus CB2 receptors, so it’s less of a head high, more relaxed, focused pain relief.” Neither cartridges nor gummies contain Delta-9 at measurable levels. The gummies have 15 mg. of Delta-8, 50% more than standard CBD or Delta-9 THC gummies. Their effect is dependent on when you take them. You can take one in the daytime and feel energetic. You can take one at night and it’ll help you sleep. They’re really not Sativa or Indica. No medicinal marijuana card is needed to purchase CBD or Delta-8 products at The Centre of St. Pete Beach. Stop by or call TriVerde Health at (727) 322-4588 with any questions.