Hanging Around: Exploring Gulfport this February

Hanging Around By Caron Schwartz

Pandemic distancing has been hard on everyone, but perhaps has hit Gulfportians harder than most. Our community of fun-loving, artistic, recovering hippies likes to invite the world to enjoy its fun, artistic, hip events. Having to retreat to our separate worlds has made us all a little blue. 

We’re inventive, however. The city and Gulfport Merchants Chamber (GMC) devised Gulfport STRONG, a heightened safety awareness campaign for the GMC-sponsored public events that assures social distancing and safety protocols are met and exceeded. We cautiously reopened our renowned Tuesday Fresh Market. Our ever-popular First Friday Art Walk returned as an evening of juried fine artwork and music. Our Third Saturday event was reinvigorated as Indie Faire Makers Market, featuring fine arts and crafts, and entertainment for the whole family. In 2021 we joyously invite the world back to “Rediscover Gulfport.”

The Gulfport Fine Arts Festival is Saturday, Feb. 13 and and Sunday, Feb. 14, 10am-5pm at Veterans Park. You and your Valentine can enjoy “the meandering path along Boca Ciega Bay, viewing handmade artwork, listening to jazz music, and supporting local artists,” says ceramicist and festival organizer Brenda McMahon. “It’s a great place to buy art and appreciate all the beauty around.” And it’s free.

Next up is my personal favorite, the 16th annual Pink Flamingo Tour on Saturday, March 6, 11am-5pm. Traditionally a home tour, this year the organizers went back to the drawing board and made it a Covid-friendly all-outdoor Garden Tour. You’ll have the opportunity to see everything from an under-construction rain garden to a manicured backyard art gallery to meditation spaces, and chickens, chickens, chickens. Tickets are $10 in advance at Gulfport Beach Bazaar or www.pinkflamingohometour.com, $15 at the door. 

While you’re at the Gulfport Recreation Center registering for the Tour, take a gander at the display of items to be auctioned during Best Seat in the House Chair-ity Auction. The event, which benefits the Gulfport Senior Center Foundation, takes place at the Tiki Bar & Grill during Third Saturday Indie Faire, March 20, 5-7pm. 

Chair-ity had to be canceled in 2020, so the 16 artists who decorated the Adirondack chairs and vintage windows have been waiting a year to show off their creative flair.

For more information about these and other Gulfport events see www.visitgulfportflorida.com and follow us at www.facebook.com/VisitGulfportFL.

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