Gulfport Selects Its First Poet Laureate

gulfport-logoThe Circle of Friends of the Gulfport Library congratulates Peter Hargitai on his selection as Gulfport’s first Poet Laureate.  A five-person judging panel composed of Gulfport residents recently reviewed three poetry submissions from each of 19 talented candidates. 

Peter Hargitai is a resident of Gulfport’s Town Shores community, and a retired English professor whose native language was Hungarian.  When he was nine, his family risked their lives to escape Communist Hungary and settle in the United States.  Peter learned English from his wife when they were high school sweethearts, and he went on to teach English at the university level.  He is retired from teaching, but continues to write poetry.

Mr. Hargitai’s first public appearance and reading as Gulfport Poet Laureate will occur during “An Evening of Performance Art,” to be held at the Gulfport Public Library (5501 28thAvenue South), on Thursday, November 19, from 7 until 9 p.m.  This free event is open to the public.  Other public readings by Mr. Hargitai will be scheduled during his tenure as Poet Laureate, including an event in April 2016 during National Poetry Month to be announced.

Participants for the November 19th event, including poets, storytellers, singers, musicians and other entertainers are still being sought.  For more information on attending or performing during the event, contact Margie Davis,(941) 447-7811 or

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