How You Can Make the 2018 BCYC Christmas Boat Parade the BIGGEST YET!

The Boca Ciega Yacht Club (BCYC), a not-for-profit organization, is seeking additional sponsors and donations in support of the club’s 33rd Annual Christmas Boat Parade on the evening of December 8, 2018, during Gulfport’s Holiday Hoopla. BCYC organizes the boat parade as a charity event to benefit the Gulfport Police Department’s Operation Santa program which provides Christmas gifts to children whose holidays would be less joyous without the support of the Gulfport community. BCYC has contributed to Operation Santa for 18 years.

“Club members are already busy reaching out to local businesses, organizations, and people asking for their support but we can always use more sponsors and more parade participants,” said Larry Brown, Commodore of BCYC. “When it comes to making the holidays happy for children, more is never too much.”

The boat parade is an all-volunteer project organized by the members of BCYC, and is one of several events each year that the club conducts in support of the greater Gulfport community.

“Come for the Holiday Hoopla and stay for the Parade. It’s good family fun and a great way to get into the holiday spirit especially when you know that every boat represents at least two children who will be happier this holiday,” said Samantha Ring, co-chair of the boat parade committee.

How you can help

Join the Parade: The boat parade is open to sailboats and power boats, and to anyone in the Tampa Bay area, not just Gulfport residents. The more, the merrier! The “fee” for participation is two or more unwrapped toys for Operation Santa. Boats must be decorated for the holiday season, of course.

Sponsor the Parade Fleet: Businesses and organizations are encouraged to donate prizes to the captains of the boats in the parade fleet which will be awarded at the post-parade party held at the BCYC clubhouse.

Donate Toys: The community is encouraged to donate unwrapped toys at the BCYC clubhouse at 4600 Tifton Drive South, Gulfport, FL 33711 up to the day of the event. Toy donations are preferred but cash donations may also be made and will be used solely for the purpose of the club purchasing additional toys.

Additional information and online registration

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