Gulf Beaches School Sidebar by Dr. Michael A. Grego

gulf-beaches-schools-gregoMichael A. Grego, Ed.D., began as superintendent on Sept. 26, 2012, a day after his contract was approved by the Pinellas County School Board. Dr. Grego was selected following a national search.

Before joining the Pinellas County School District, Dr. Grego served as associate professor at the University of Central Florida. An educator with more than three decades of experience in public education, Dr. Grego spent five months as Florida’s Interim Chancellor of K-12 Education in 2011.

From 2008 to 2011, Dr. Grego served as superintendent of Osceola County, overseeing dramatic academic improvements in the district.

Dr. Grego began his career in Hillsborough County as a teacher in 1980. He climbed the ranks over his 28-year career in the district to become Assistant Superintendent for Technical, Career and Adult Education in 2000 and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and instruction in 2002.

A New York native, Dr. Grego earned a bachelor of science degree in Technology Education from the State University of New York in Oswego. He holds two master’s degrees, one in Industrial Technology Education from Illinois State University and another in Educational Leadership from the University of South Florida. He also holds a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership from the University of South Florida.

Dr. Grego has received numerous recognitions and awards, including two in recent years for his efforts to promote arts education. In 2010, the Florida Alliance for Arts Education recognized him with an annual Superintendent Leadership Award for his efforts to promote arts education, and the previous year, the Florida Music Educators Association named him Superintendent of the Year for his ardent support of music education.

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