Go Rays: What’s Up @ Bat  

Rays opening day on April 2nd is one of the spring’s most anticipated events for everyone, and especially since they challenge the Yankees at home. New turf at the Trop, dozens of concerts and fan giveaways (bobbleheads, bat pack, shades, Chris Archer emoji pillows) delight baseball fans.

Trop Delights

In addition to kicking off your game day with a stop at Ferg’s for a drink and a snack, the Trop offers some yummy chow and craft beers as well. You can count on seeing some of our favorites including the Everglades Brewhouse (located near Gate 1 in Center Field Street, Pipo’s Cuban sandwiches, Ricky P’s shrimp and catfish Po’ Boys, Pili’s smoked bacon stuffed potatos, Taco bus and local craft beers (Big Storm, 3 Daughters, Green Bench, Jai Alai and Cycle Fixie.

Giving Back To Our Community

But the Rays bring more than just a baseball game to the mix.

They support our children’s dreams. Wannabe Rays can sign up for kids summer camp starting June 9 to develop budding baseball skills and just have fun (http://tampabay.rays.mlb.com/tb/community/baseball-camps).

They support breast cancer awareness. Currently, the Rays are encouraging folks to enter Major League Baseball’s  2017 Honorary Bat Girl Contest (HonoraryBatGirl.com). Here, fans 18 and older can share stories of how they, or their loved ones, are supporting the cause to raise awareness and find a cure for breast cancer in “Going to Bat Against Cancer” by submitting entries through Wednesday, April 12 at 4:59 p.m. ET.

Supporters of contest participants have the opportunity to vote online for these inspirational stories.  Winners will receive pink MLB merchandise and be recognized on the field prior to the Rays 1:10 p.m. game against the New York Yankees on Sunday, May 21.

On  Mother’s Day, players and on-field personnel will wear the symbolic pink ribbon on their uniforms along with pink wrist bands. Players also will wear specially-designed uniforms that incorporate pink into the Clubs’ regular logos. Commemorative base jewels and dugout lineup cards also will be pink. Games will feature a pink-stitched Rawlings baseball, the official ball of MLB, as the official game ball. Many MLB players also will use pink bats, and pink Louisville Slugger bats, the Official Bat of Major League Baseball, will be stamped with the MLB breast cancer awareness logo.

They support those who serve. Rays raise money for non-profits and give away tickets to first responders, military and teachers on Salute to Service Monday (two tickets to six Monday home games plus more; raysbaseball.com/specials).

Other Rays weekday specials during the 2017 season include:

Tuesday—For all Tuesday home games, tickets for kids 14 and under are $2 with the purchase of a full price adult ticket. $2 Kayem Hot Dogs are also available for Tuesday home games.

Wednesday—For all Wednesday home games, fans may purchase half-priced Lower Corner and Upper Level tickets exclusively through the MLB.com Ballpark App as well as special app-only promotions. (Download the MLB.com Ballpark App from the App Store or Google Play.)

Thursday—For all Thursday home games, Press Level tickets for fans 60 years of age and older are only $15 thanks to Duke Energy.

Friday—Thanks to 7-Eleven, fans may purchase Upper Level tickets for only $7.11 at Friday home games by visiting a participating local 7-Eleven store and picking up the Rays Friday night discount coupon starting March 15.

FYI: 2017 Season Tickets raysbaseball.com or by calling 888-FAN-RAYS.

Article by Nanette Wiser

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