The Gulfport Merchants Chamber of Commerce, the nonprofit business organization that powers Visit Gulfport Florida, is pleased to announce that this year’s Gecko Season will reopen August 1.Last year, the Chamber canceled all its Gecko festivities (Geckotivities?) because of – well, no one needs to rehash 2020. But 2021’s a different lounge of geckos entirely (fun fact: that’s what you call a group of geckos, a lounge.) They have plans in the works to launch the triumphant return of all things gecko during the best gecko-related, month-long party on the planet. They’ll release more details over the coming weeks; for now, please save these dates:
- Gecko Art Show, Aug. 6
- Gecko Crawl, Aug. 14
- GeckoBall, Aug. 28
- GeckoFest, Sept. 4