2021 Gulfport Gecko Ball Update!

The 2021 Geckoball is set for August 28th 6-11pm at the Gulfport Casino Ballroom. Get tickets and learn more at http://geckofest.com/gecko-ball-2021-gecko-bandstand/.

Here is the update form Visit Gulfport on what you can expect at this year’s Gecko Ball:

They won’t serve appetizers this year. They made this decision because some people expressed concerns about sanitary consumption, and also because many restaurants and caterers still struggle with staff shortages. They will, however, strongly encourage guests to eat at our amazing Gulfport restaurants.

Since they won’t be serving food, they lowered the ticket price. Tickets will cost $25 per person for general admission, and $30 for a reserved seat at a table of 10, which must be purchased in blocks of 10.

They aren’t lowering the number of people who can attend. The Historic Gulfport Casino will allow 400 people inside for Gecko Ball.

The pandemic’s been tough on many local Gulfport businesses, and because of this they may have fewer items at the traditional silent auction.

Instead of two grant recipients, as is our custom, we’ll only be able to choose one grant recipient this year. Out of fairness, we’ll choose the recipient from our 2020 pool of applicants. Applications will re-open next year for the 2022 Gecko Ball.

They need Gecko Ball volunteers! Their amazing volunteers make gecko magic happen the night of the Ball. Seriously, the only way Gecko Ball happens is because of our essential volunteers! Do you want to be amazing and essential (c’mon, who doesn’t?) Email Brittney Sherley, the Gecko Ball guru, to tell her you want to help.

They are carrying over the 2020 theme, Gecko Bandstand, since there wasn’t a Gecko Ball last year and they know many of you have brilliant costume ideas you start work on early.

2 thoughts on “2021 Gulfport Gecko Ball Update!”

    • This year’s Geckoball is on August 28th. The theme is Gecko Bandstand. You can get tickets and learn more at


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