Garden Gab

March is the time to plant a butterfly garden, clean up the garden and get ready for spring. In addition to local garden clubs, you can get advice from the smart folks at local nurseries (Wilcox), garden centers (Lowe’s, Home Depot), the Florida Botanical Garden or the smart horticulturists at Sunken Gardens.

Located at 1825 Fourth Street North, St. Petersburg, Sunken Gardens is offering some unique classes, some free with admission or membership. To register, call 727-551-3102.

March 4, 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 am:  Be a Friend to Bees! Bees need our help, and you can make a difference! Create a “bee bath” for your yard or patio, take home wildflower seeds to provide nectar,  sample local honey, and more! Pre-registration required: $6/child. INCLUDES Garden admission! Recommended for all ages.

March 11, 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 amOrganic Pest Management Take the mystery out of organic pest management with simple solutions and prevent problems before they arise. Allan Bednar, owner of Simply Hydroponics and Organics, makes it easy-even in Florida! Free with Garden admission or membership.

March 18, 10:30 a.m.– 11:30 am – GesneriadsLight up your plant collection with exotic African Violets and other tropical gesneriads! Learn successful growing tactics to keep these beauties in top form. Unusual varieties for sale afterward. Led by Greg Sytch with 30 years of experience growing, hybridizing and selling in the Tampa Bay area. Free with Gardens admission or membership.  No registration required.

March 25, 10:30 -11:30 am Orchids to Fit Your Lifestyle Beth Sedacca from the St. Pete Orchid Farm and long-time orchid volunteer at Sunken Gardens takes the mystery out of orchid care. Find the perfect orchid for your lifestyle based on its light, water, fertilizer needs, and more. Standard and unusual orchids for sale after the program.  Free with Gardens admission or membership.

Article by Nanette Wiser

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