By Nanette Wiser
Free Bikes 4 Kidz is a nonprofit organization geared toward helping all kids ride into a happier, healthier
childhood by providing bikes to those most in need. Executive Director Randy Hallier says that more than 600 bikes were refurbished and given with helmets to kids in need last year.
The program was so successful FB4K Tampa Bay is hosting two more donation events in October in
collaboration with St. Petersburg Parks & Recreations on October 7 and 28 from 10am-3pm. If you have a
gently used non-electric pedal bike that’s functional, please bring it to J.W. Cates and Lake Vista Rec Centers.
Adult or kids’ bikes, even tricycles, are welcome.

The bikes will be given away in November to families on St. Petersburg Parks and Recreations need list.
You can get involved by donating a bike at these two events, contributing financially or volunteering to help
kids “go places.” If you can donate $25 in addition to a bike, that will virtually cover the cost for the
organization to get the bike back in ‘good as new’ condition for a lucky kid. FB4K is a registered non-profit, so a
financial donation is tax deductible.
For more information, contact or visit the website at