Meet the Makers & Growers: The Florida Fruit Cooperative

By Susan Schiber


We are so happy that cooler temps have arrived, and we are back to our regular Market Season on Corey Ave!   

This month we are introducing you to Lev Pasikhov, founder of The Florida Fruit Cooperative. “Like much of life, a happy accident born of love and need,” says Lev. When COVID hit, it simultaneously forced Lev’s food truck off the road and scared folks from going to stores.

Lev realized food scarcity was becoming an even bigger issue, and he now needed a new job.  Having access to some special farmers that try to grow the way nature intended, Lev began traveling to Pine Island every week to harvest and deliver the same locally grown tropical fruit he loved to use in his smoothies door-to-door in St. Pete, sharing his knowledge of tropical fruits grown in Florida, some of which at first glance cause some to do a double take! 

“You can’t beat the freshness and flavor, which equals superior nutrition.” Lev is passionate about cultivating and regenerating the conscientious farmers that make up the Florida food shed, and much of the fruit is sourced from regenerative farms in the area.  The door-to-door delivery led him to markets and he is now at the Corey Ave. Sunday Market on St. Pete Beach delivering the best quality locally grown fruit every week, harvested in-season just days before. Join us every Sunday 10am-2pm.

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