Fertilizer Use- The Easiest Source of Pollution to Control by Home Owners

phospphorous-waterFor those who choose to fertilize, the Pinellas County Fertilizer Ordinance restrictions changed on October 1, 2016. From October 1st through May 30th, the following conditions apply to fertilizer use:

TOTAL NITROGEN CONTENT = 50% or more must be Slow Release Nitrogen

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS CONTENT = zero (0) phosphorous fertilizers must be used unless a State-certified laboratory soil test indicates a deficiency. Florida soils have naturally occurring phosphorous and application of phosphorous fertilizer may not be necessary.


Granular fertilizers: Up to one pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet per application

Liquid fertilizers: Up to one-half (0.5) pound of water soluble nitrogen per 1000 square feet per application

Annual limit: Up to 4 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet No nitrogen application within 30 days of newly-installed landscape Deflector shields must be used on fertilizer spreaders to keep granules off impervious (hard) surfaces and out of waterways

While not the only source of excess nutrients in our local waters, reducing our personal contribution to pollution is an important step in improving water quality. We don’t want our waterways to be choked with algae (like other parts of South Florida)!

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