February Astrology Forecast

Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons

February begins a New Moon in independent, progressive Aquarius on the first day of the month.  We will feel the new energy even though we are still in Mercury retrograde and in the shadow of Venus retrograde, too.  This new moon will bring attention to humanitarian concerns. In close aspect to Saturn, the planet of rules and limitations, it is likely that issues involving these subjects arise.  Communication planet Mercury will station direct on the 3rd, engaged with intense Pluto until mid-month.  We can expect strong opinions on subjects of control, isolation, and undercover issues to come up and out. Transportation problems are also likely as well.      

When Mercury REenters Aquarius on the 14th, free speech and expression become important.  We want logical information and truth above all else.  Venus continues picking up speed in Capricorn and we remain cautious in relationships and finances.  We are more practical and traditional in these areas for now.  Action planet Mars is traveling with Venus all month and is not afraid to work hard for partners or possessions.  These two planetary energies can achieve a lot together and enjoy every minute of it.  As the month goes on the retrograde energies continue to clear.              

The Full Snow Moon in Leo on the 16th brings drama and romance but also a peak to the intense energy of the last two weeks.  This sign has a take charge, confident attitude when addressing things, and isn’t afraid to take on the task of adjustments in the current atmosphere.  We stand strong and self-assured now while using creative means to work through situations at hand.  The Sun enters intuitive, compassionate Pisces on the 18th.  The energy is strong in artistic areas, ready for excitement and new adventures with the help of Uranus and Jupiter.  If we can stay focused and practical many good things can be accomplished through the month’s end.   

AQUARIUS:  New energy brings you structure and routines to build on.  Private affairs take your energy and health issues may need attention.  Partnerships are in the spotlight mid-month both personal and business.  

PISCES:  Lucky Jupiter brings growth this year and you start with a new plan and new rules.  Friends, social activities, and future dreams are on your schedule.  Health is in the spotlight later and work gets you noticed.    

ARIES:  Your career is active and you are favored by superiors.  A new option opens to take charge in organizations of interest to you.  Mid-month romance and children are in the spotlight. Enjoy hobbies and be creative!  

TAURUS:  New responsibilities in your career may come with a title!  You have worked for it.  Travel is likely, enjoyable and with intense experiences. Mid-month home and family take center stage no matter where you are.    

GEMINI:  A new commitment in education can bring rewards!  You may receive resources, review financial plans, and make big moves.  Short trips and conversations are highlighted mid-month.  You live in the moment now.      

CANCER:  A new financial path will be made as issues are addressed and accountability taken.  Relationship issues demand attention and resolution now.  Values and income are in the spotlight from mid-month forward.      

LEO:  Relationships open new doors with a karmic tone, or a go it alone.  Health and work bring much-needed changes as you get back on track.  You’re in the spotlight this month; improving and expressing yourself.  

VIRGO:  Structure and new duties come to work and wellness this month.  Fun, romance, and creative interests are on your list, too.  Children need attention.  Mid-month your focus goes inward onto private time and affairs.    

LIBRA:  New beginnings with romance may come with obligations. Home repairs and family life get much-needed transformations.  Health should improve. Mid-month friends and social activities are highlighted; enjoy!   

SCORPIO:  Homelife and family situations may bring new obligations.  Daily life is non-stop but enjoyable with short trips and deep conversations. The spotlight falls on career mid-month as you adapt to the new pattern.     

SAGITTARIUS:  New options to travel near or far may come with duties.  Your financial picture is enhanced, energized, and gets a makeover now.  Education and beliefs are in the spotlight with an accent on your values.    

CAPRICORN:  Your finances get a new conservative plan with discipline.  You are energized and popular now as you review and break through old ways.  Resources are in the spotlight with a focus on future financial plans.

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