Astrology: February 2017

Love planet Venus visits impulsive, outgoing Aries on the 3rd where she will stay all month bringing restlessness in relationships and hasty decisions.  Work toward more understanding and balance enthusiasm.  Mercury is back on track again moving into observant, intuitive Aquarius on the 7th; assisting the powerful Sun as new ideas and independent thinking may bring unusual solutions to old issues.  The Full Snow Moon on the 10th is a Lunar Eclipse in creative, romantic Leo with a generous yet practical energy that can open doors and solidify actions to create lasting changes.  On Valentine’s Day a partner oriented Libra Moon brings a turning point in relationships!  This sign is all about love and with other planets stimulating action and growth, strong relationships will feel the urge to merge on this romantic day!      

On the 18th our vibrant Sun enters compassionate, artistic, dreamy Pisces.  We want to trust but must not fool ourselves as our perceived realities are not always as they seem.  There are difficult planetary patterns the last half of February.  Action planet Mars, at its strongest, challenges Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter.  Whether personal, professional or on a global scale, we will see a significant amount of friction as transformations and sudden revelations take place.  However, a grounding Saturn will end things in a stable manner.    

When Mercury enters Pisces the 25th our intuition is keen and we become more reflective.  The 26th brings a Solar Eclipse in Pisces and a new lunar cycle, with focus on talents and spiritual inclinations for moving forward.    

AQUARIUS:  Accent falls on relationships both personal and professional.  Communication is the key; speak softly.  Short trips are favored.  Constant activity energizes!  New insight into values, talents and income potential!    

PISCES:  Work place changes; career status is worked for and income is enhanced!  Quiet time brings clear thinking.  New energy comes late month, with focus on health and well being.  Creative and relaxing time rejuvenates!       

ARIES:  Romantic relationships are in the spotlight with opportunity for growth.  Venus bestows popularity and creative abilities open doors for you.  Reflection, meditation can be healing and give insight for breakthroughs.    

TAURUS:  Home and family are your focus as old patterns are replaced with new.  Career keeps you busy.  Spend time alone to recharge.  Later your social calendar fills; volunteering and future dreams are on your mind.     

GEMINI:  Connecting with others, short trips, daily life can be stimulating!  Enjoy siblings, children, friends and romance!  Education is accented; career or status is likely to have a major shift or new direction as the month closes.    

CANCER:  Financial matters are in the spotlight as work and career can bring opportunities long awaited!  You are favored by superiors, gain support and resources from others!  A new philosophy; spiritual learning enlightens.   

LEO:  You are in the spotlight with personal and professional connections changing.  Health issues get attention.  Creative and academic interests are many.  Resources and finances begin a new cycle; be realistic and grateful. 

VIRGO:  Issues come to light that may affect health or work.  Family is supportive as changes take place.  Finances are enhanced.  A new direction for relationships is possible with a level of acceptance and understanding.

LIBRA:  Social life takes the spotlight with your company in high demand!  Others are agreeable and helpful.  Home projects get attention.  New energy fills the work place. New insight into health concerns comes with assistance.      

SCORPIO:  Career brings changes with income and work place benefits! Create stability, make adjustments and balance with home life.  Fun and fresh creative interests are enjoyed as well as children and romantic life.       

SAGITTARIUS:  Education, beliefs and travel are all highlighted with opportunities to alter your direction!  Recreation is enjoyable and social time fun!  Home life gets energized as you create a retreat for reflection; dreams!

CAPRICORN:  Resources and financial matters surface for examination and modification.  Career offers opportunities.  Redecorate home or spend time with family.  New thinking, direction in daily life goes toward serenity. 

Astrology by Sarah Lyons – Sirius Systems Astrological Services
‘Get Sirius about your future’ • 727.347.4737

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