By Dennis Merritt Jones, DD 

You Can Run But You Can’t Hide…Nor Should You Try 

“Are you ready for a rhetorical question? It’s one that you likely already know the answer to but may not have ever thought of in a positive light. “ 

THE QUESTION:  What is as old as time itself? Its presence can motivate you, most often out of desperation rather than inspiration. It can cause you to shift your gaze and shirk back into a darkened corner to hide rather than look into Its steely eyes. It moves many people to think, say, and do regretful things. It’s also difficult to identify because It wears deceiving disguises. 

THE ANSWER:  As you may have already concluded, “It” is Fear and most of us try to avoid it like the plague. When was the last time Fear knocked at your door? Sometimes it’s difficult to recognize because it wears so many different disguises. Between a polarized political climate, an uncertain economy, violence in our own homes and streets, and wars raging worldwide, there has never been a time when Fear has been more prevalent on our planet. Not coincidentally, I made Fear the topic of my seventh book while watching the 6pm news one evening. After some deep contemplation, I decided the title would be “When Fear Speaks, Listen… The 7 Messengers of Fear.”  

The reason for that provocative title is that most of us are so busy running from or denying fear we seldom take time to stop, turn and face it – and ask why it’s appearing in that moment. The purpose of the book is to introduce an awareness that we don’t have to perceive Fear as our enemy, allowing it to manipulate our emotions and shape our lives. As odd as it sounds, with mindfulness and a new perspective, we can actually perceive Fear in a new light.  

I know whence I speak because for the first 40 years of my life, Fear was my greatest nemesis and, as such, I gave it far more power than it deserved. It controlled me and how I reacted (rather than responded) to nearly any crisis. Can you relate? 

As I matured spiritually and emotionally, I learned to perceive my various fears as Messengers bearing vital information for my future well-being. When I learned to face, lean in, and dance with my various Fears they became my greatest teachers. With the correct perspective, we can learn to see Fear as an ally appearing in our lives at the exact right time with the gift of information we need – not to just survive but thrive. The only caveat is, rather than running from it or trying to anesthetize it, we must turn toward Fear, embrace it and ask what message it has for us. If we will listen, we’ll gain the wisdom necessary to transcend it and then we can send it on its way. 

All Fear is attached to a concern of death – or loss – of some sort; and it affects every area of our lives. It might be the death or loss of our own lives, a relationship, a career, a reputation, a bank account, a lifestyle, or our ability to control someone or something. Understanding our Messengers of Fear will help us manage the concern of loss in a proactive rather that a reactive manner. While the faces of Fear are legion, in my book, the seven most prevalent disguises that Fear hides behind are: Anger, Worry, Judgement, Selfishness, Shame, Loneliness, and Uncertainty. Each of these Messengers of Fear brings along a host of other descendants as well. Once we elevate our perspective and refocus our perception of Fear, we’ll be able to see it for what it really is… and isn’t. We can run but we can’t hide! All of God’s children are subject to a visit from Fear. When equipped with the right information from the 7 Messengers of Fear, we can transcend what frightens us and can get on with that which is ours to do to. A life rich with purpose, joy, freedom, and peace lies just on the other side of our greatest Fears. Are you ready for the adventure? Just listen to your Fear and you’ll know where to begin! 

If you are interested, When Fear Speaks…Listen is available on Amazon at https://amzn.to/44HmPi5 and other major retailers. 

Peace, Dennis Merritt Jones, DD  •  Copyright  © 2024 – DMJ Presentations LLC  •  www.DennisMerrittJones.com
Dennis Merritt Jones’ vision is “Guiding People to Purpose.” He is an award-winning author of seven books, a keynote speaker, and personal  mentor/coach who loves living in St. Petersburg. If you would like more information regarding his availability as a speaker,  his mentoring programs, and his books, please visit his website at DennisMerrittJones.com

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