FREE BIKES FOR KIDZ Comes to St. Petersburg

Do You Remember Your First Bicycle?

by Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones & Terry Esau, Founder, FB4K

You may recall, as a child, the sense of freedom and joy that came with that first exploratory cruise around the block on your trusty bike. The reality is the age, shape, size, and shininess of the bike was secondary to the fact that it was all YOURS! Your bike was a passport to a freedom you may have never known before. Unfortunately, there are millions of kids in the US that don’t have a bike and will never learn to ride. That is a crime; a crime we have dedicated ourselves to solving. This is where “FB4K” comes in. We are a non-profit dedicated specifically to putting kids of all ages on their own bike absolutely free–with NO expense to the parents or caretakers. Many ask about our motivation for doing this: 

Our Mission at FB4K is straight forward: We are passionate about the wellbeing of children.  FB4K brings communities together to furnish bikes to underserved kids, providing a pathway to health, happiness and opportunity.

  • We believe every child deserves to know and own the thrill and beneficial side effects of mobile exercise and fun transportation.
  • We believe in green. Mother Earth needs to breathe the clean emissions of cyclists.  She prefers parks, not landfills–so we want to recycle (repurpose) every bike that is not being used.
  • We believe in bringing people together to do good–red/blue, black/white, old/young, urban/rural.  We don’t care. Our polarized world needs a unifying cause to rally around. Free Bikes 4 Kidz is that cause– so hop on!


Whether you are interested in a free bikeor desire to volunteer to collect, refurbish, and make these bikes sparkle and shine for their future owners–please contact us. We plan on partnering with schools, non-profits, service organizations, St. Petersburg Park and Recreation and other community outreaches to find new owners for these bikes. As a side benefit, together we can create generations of bicyclists that will experience a new sense of freedom, health, and help  reduce C02 emissions. Taking the national organization’s vision and personalizing it here in St. Petersburg makes it a “win-win” for our beautiful community and surrounding municipalities.


  1. If you–or someone you know–need a free refurbished bike (and brand-new helmet) please contact us for more details! We are here for you!
  2. If you have a bike or two sitting in your garage, you don’t use consider donating it to the cause of FB4K. The difference your generosity makes is immeasurable to those in need of transportation or simply a bit of wind-in-their-face joy!
  3. If you are willing and interested in assisting with the collection and refurbishment of bikes, we need YOU! You need no actual skills–only a willingness to get your hands a bit dirty and learn. If you have mechanical skills, all the better!
  4. *Because we give a free NEW safety helmet with each refurbished bike, we welcome any financial donations.

 * FB4K Tampa Bay, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit public charity.

FB4K’s goal is giving away 1 million-plus bikes by 2025 nationally! What role will YOU play in getting more kids on more bikes in beautiful St. Petersburg?

For more info go to: or email at:

Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones, who authors Paradise NEWS’ Encouraging Words column, is a board member at FB4K St. Petersburg.

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