By Jason D. Philippe, MD

Becoming Your Partner in This Healthcare Journey

Having recently opened my office in St. Petersburg, I’m excited to be a part of Millennium Physician Group and practice the type of medicine I believe can really make a difference in patients’ lives. Our physicians and care teams lead the nation in the quality of care we deliver to patients of Medicare age. And we specialize in all the preventive care that’s been proven to lead to healthier outcomes.

I see myself not only as your primary-care doctor but also as your partner on this journey we’re taking together. I aim to provide evidence-based guidance while fostering a patient-centered environment. What that really means is evolving past the traditional approach of just doing as your doctor says. Every patient’s situation is unique, so I want to marry the most up-to-date evidence and research with a patient-focused environment to figure out the best approach for each patient. 

I grew up in Queens, New York, and have lived in North Carolina, Philadelphia, and Michigan. I did my residency here in St. Petersburg and was eager to return to the area. This is a growing community with a lot to offer. It has the best of all worlds. You get the beach life, you get the city life, and you get the chance to enjoy all of the things in between as well.

I became a doctor because I’ve always had an intense desire to help people. My clinical interests are lifestyle and obesity medicine, preventive medicine, men’s health, and also sports medicine. I played Division I basketball at Wake Forest University and was a personal trainer before going to medical school, so that experience allows me the opportunity to use a unique approach to helping patients.

When it comes to men’s health, I’ve noticed men generally not wanting to go to the doctor and just sort of putting their health to the side and not making it a priority. I definitely want to provide an opportunity for men to seek the care they need because there are a lot of things men can do to extend their life and have a good quality of life.

For all my patients, there are a lot of things we can do before a health crisis happens to help mitigate the severity, and that’s why prevention is so important. All positive improvements, whether large or small, are successes to me. I believe in the adage, “You have to crawl before you walk.” So I aim not to lose sight of that. At each step of the process, I try to acknowledge every improvement patients have made toward bettering their health. That’s how we truly become their connection to a healthier life.

Millennium Physician GroupJason Philippe, MD, Family Medicine

6450 38th Ave N, Ste 300, St. Petersburg

727.655.9850  •

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