First Day of Fall Starts Fall Prevention Week

Every September on the first day of fall, the Falls Free® Initiative promotes National Falls Prevention Awareness Week, a nationwide effort to raise awareness that falls are preventable.

Falling is not a normal part of aging. You can prevent falls by doing the right exercises, making your home safer, getting regular health checkups, and more. Learn steps you can take to stay safe. Find more information on The National Council on Aging website.

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non- fatal injuries for older Americans. Falls threaten seniors’ safety and independence and generate enormous economic and personal costs. However, through practical lifestyle adjustments, evidence-based falls prevention programs, and clinical-community partnerships, the number of falls amount seniors can be substantially reduced!

Six out of every 10 falls happen at home, where we spend much of our time and tend to move around without thinking about safety. There are many easy changes you can make to your home that will help you avoid falls and ensure your safety. Click on

Take a Stand on Falls!

Information courtesy of the Town of Indian Shores.

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