Exercise Group Supports Local Pet Shelter

ti-jazzercizeThe Treasure Island Jazzercise group kicked their July 6th exercise session up a notch by dedicating the class to the Pet Pal Animal Shelter, a no-kill, non-profit shelter located in St. Petersburg. Class members donated supplies, cash and gift cards – a total value of over $600.00 to benefit the shelter.  Hopefully some dogs and cats will find new homes with class members!

Beside the obvious benefit of regular workouts to maintain a healthier lifestyle, the group has bonded over their combined efforts toward community improvement. Fund raisers for favorite charities are incorporated into their class schedule several times a year. This follows Fitness Instructor Eileen Arsenault’s philosophy that exercise workouts should be both fun and inspiring. She states, “We’re not just improving our heart health, we are increasing our capacity for compassion.  All of this while having an incredible amount of fun!”

Eileen, a certified Jazzercise and Sport Yoga instructor, leads a variety of different types of exercise classes which encompass all levels of ability at four locations, Redington Shores Town Hall, Indian Shores Town Hall, Treasure Island City Hall, and Clearwater Sun Watch on Island Estates. The classes include simple yoga for beginning and moderate exercisers, regular Jazzercise dance mix sessions for moderate to heavier workouts, Jazzercise Strength60 for fat burning with muscle toning, and Jazzercise Personal Touch for weight training and body sculpting. All classes are moderately priced. For more information and to obtain the full class schedule email Eileen at eileen.fitnesssimple@gmail.com or contact her by phone at 727-481-3995.

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