“What you seek is seeking you. …Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

~ Rumi

With February being the month when the words “I love you” seem to be more freely spoken or expressed, it seems appropriate to explore some of the different aspects of love. From antiquity, masters, poets, writers, songsmiths and just about every person on the planet has sought to fathom the eternal depths and the meaning of love—from whence it comes and why it seems that some people experience it more than others.

The fact is, love is not in short supply. Are there any beliefs hanging out in the shadows of your mind that are tied to thoughts that perhaps you are not lovable? If there is, it’s a lie, you know. You were not born with those beliefs, someone put them there, and over time those false beliefs can become the barrier between who you think you are and who you really are. Who you truly are was with you at birth and before, and still is in this very moment (and it is quite love-able); it waits in smiling repose for you to pull away the shroud of false beliefs that have you scampering around, looking for love somewhere “out there.” You came “hardwired” from the Creator to love and be loved; to be a conduit through which love freely flows both ways. Rumi is spot on: What you seek is seeking you and has been since the day you were born. The practice is to slow down so it can catch up with you. Discover it within first and trust that the law of attraction will kick in and do its thing, drawing to you the people who will reflect and affirm the love you have for yourself.

As a way to make this awareness more palpable, consider taking some time today to spend outside. Stand in the sunlight and feel its penetrating presence and warmth sharing itself with you and all others, holding itself back from none. Then find a flower and observe it receiving warmth from the same source of light. Finally, find a weed and discover that it too is basking in the glory of the same light from which you and the flower benefit. Then, repeat the exercise and visualize the sunlight as love offering itself to you unconditionally, no strings attached. Can you receive that love as freely as you do the sunlight? Perhaps the real question is, can you extend that love to others as freely with no strings attached?

Take your cue from the sun; this would be a good day to enter into a more indiscriminate loving of all that is, and perhaps the best place to begin is in the mirror with that beautiful being you see looking back at you.

Copyright © 2020 – DMJ Presentations www.DennisMerrittJones.com

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