By Nanette Wiser

With storm season here, it’s time to prep for emergencies and the dog days of summer. Here are some tips for staying well.

Heat is considered extreme when temperature and humidity are both high for an extended length of time. While it does not usually cause damage to structures or property, it can be dangerous for people and animals. Protect yourself by scheduling strenuous activities early or later in the day, wear light clothing, drink water and spend time in air-conditioned rooms if you feel fatigued. Watch for heat cramps, exhaustion and the possibility of stroke and never leave pets or people in a closed vehicle. 

If you’re headed to the beach, be aware of the weather, the ocean, tide, and what is going on around you. Storms, such as thunderstorms, tropical storms, and hurricanes far out at sea can create dangerous waves and currents at the beach, even on a sunny day! Even small waves can hit you with the force of a car! Know how to swim, keep a close eye on your little ones and if you hear thunder roar, go indoors.

Surviving the storm = advanced preparation, from documents to having an evacuation plan. Everyone needs to assemble an emergency kit. For sanitation, collect enough for each family member including wipes, antibacterial hand gel, soap, toilet paper, hygiene supplies, feminine supplies, diapers, cloth face covering. Have at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking, and an additional one gallon per person per day for hygiene and cooking. You’ll need a one-week supply of non-perishable food that does not require cooking, non-electric can opener for you and pets. Other items include medications and copies of prescriptions; sunscreen; rain gear; flashlight or lantern; battery-operated or hand-crank radio; extra batteries; first aid supplies (pain reliever, anti-diarrhea medicine, laxative, antihistamine, anti-itch cream, antiseptic), insect repellent; extra batteries for medical devices such as hearing aids; eyeglasses and extra contact lenses; extra bottled oxygen if needed; cash; cell phone charger; paper map; pencil and paper;  full tank of gas in your vehicle.

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