The Ultimate Guide to Moving to Be Closer to Your Kids

Moving closer to your children as an empty nester may seem overwhelming at first, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. As you prepare for this big step, it’s important to do your research and plan accordingly. By relocating, you’ll have the opportunity to build stronger relationships with your adult children and their families, and to be more involved in their lives. Today, the Paradise News will cover some helpful tips for a smooth and successful transition.

Make A Visit To The Area

One of the first things you should do when considering a move is to visit the area you’re interested in. This will give you a better understanding of the community’s vibe and overall feel. If you plan on renting, it’s also a good time to visit local apartments that you’ve picked out beforehand. Make sure to explore local parks, shops, and restaurants, as well as take a drive around to see what the neighborhoods look like.

Seek Ideas from Your Children

Talking to your children about their experience living in the area is critical. They can give you valuable insight into the local culture and activities. Also, they can help steer you in the right direction by giving you recommendations for restaurants, doctor’s offices, and other important services.

Consider Checking a Virtual Tour

These days, technology makes house hunting a lot easier, especially in this era of social distancing. Many real estate agents offer virtual tours and video walkthroughs that can help you get a better sense of the properties you’re interested in. This can save you time, and eliminate the need to travel back and forth to view homes in person.

Stay in Touch with Friends

Keeping in touch with old friends after moving can be a heartfelt gesture that maintains strong connections despite the distance. One way to do this is by sending letters on your own stationery, adorned with a custom logo that you’ve designed. This adds a unique and personal touch to your correspondence. You can make a logo for your stationery by using a free online design tool. These platforms offer a variety of templates which you can customize to fit your personal style by adding your chosen fonts, images, photos, and colors.

Set A Reachable Budget

Moving is expensive, so you need to factor in all the costs associated with relocating, such as hiring movers, new furniture, and home repairs. Create a budget before you start looking for a new home. It’s important to be realistic about what you can afford, so you don’t end up in financial trouble after the move.

Turn Your Passion Into A Business

Retirees often have fixed incomes, so finding ways to supplement your income is crucial. If you have a hobby or expertise you can turn into a business, consider creating an LLC. This can help you make some extra money, while also keeping you busy and fulfilled in retirement. If you already have a business, a formation service can be helpful if you aren’t sure how to change your business address during the move.

Digitize Your Documents

Another thing you can do to improve organization and reduce stress is digitize your important documents. Better yet, after you’ve scanned them or taken pictures with your smartphone, you can convert them to PDF online, allowing you to save all your important files in one easy-to-access location. From leases to contracts or medical information, that will spare you the headaches of sifting through mountains of paperwork, trying to find what you need.

Modernize Your Potential New Home

As we get older, our mobility and health may become more limited. Therefore, it’s essential to consider senior safety features when buying a home. These might include grab bars in the shower or near the toilet, wider doorways, or even a stairlift or elevator. A smart voice assistant is also useful; check out online resources to get familiar with how to operate one. Make sure the homes you’re interested in have these safety features, or that you can afford to make the necessary modifications.

Get Reliable Information from the Locals

Getting out and mingling with locals is a great way to learn about the area. Strike up conversations in local coffee shops or at events, and you’ll soon find yourself amply informed about what makes the place special from an insider’s perspective. Find out their favorite aspects of living there as well as any advice for newbies.

Moving closer to your children is a massive decision, but with the right preparation and resources, it can be one of the best choices you’ll ever make. Use these tips to make the transition as smooth as possible, and soon you’ll be enjoying all the benefits of living closer to your loved ones. By visiting and exploring the area, talking to neighbors, seeking advice from your adult children, factoring in senior safety features and your budget, and digitizing your documents, you will be on your way to a happy and safe new home.

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