
By Nanette Wiser

Donna Sinicrope, 70, has lived at The Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay since 2019, and immediately founded a Garden Club that year. When someone pointed out a milkweed plant – the sole food source of a monarch caterpillar – growing on a first-floor rooftop near the courtyard, the club’s mission became clear: to start a butterfly garden.  During the last few years, Sinicrope and the Garden Club planned, planted and nurtured a butterfly garden that meets the criteria of a “monarch waystation,” locations where the butterflies stop during their annual migration from Canada to Mexico. 

Monarchs also live in The Fountains’ garden year-round. The Garden Club raised and released nearly two dozen butterflies from caterpillars during a special community celebration in May.  You can too. Planting milkweed and nectar plants in a 100-square-foot or larger garden that gets at least six hours’ sun exposure each day is a great place to start. Learn more at 

Do you remember the last time you walked barefoot at the beach or in the grass? Little did you know that when your bare feet come in contact with the earth, free electrons are taken up by the body. Years of extensive research has shown that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy, by walking barefoot on grass, sand, dirt, or rock can diminish chronic pain, fatigue and other ailments that plague so many people today.  When your bare feet or skin comes in contact with the earth, free electrons are taken up into the body.  

These are nature’s best antioxidants and help neutralize damaging excess free radicals that can lead to inflammation and disease in the body.  The Earth’s energy helps the body cope and repair, promoting wellbeing, vitality, and better sleep.  It also harmonizes and stabilizes the body’s basic biological rhythms, knocks down chronic inflammation and reduces and eliminates associated pain.  Some other ways to get earthing? Swim in ocean or lakes, garden with bare hands, lay on the Earth, hug or lean up against a living tree and wear natural leather-soled shoes instead of plastic or synthetic rubber.

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