Duke Energy Employees Volunteer “Nothing But Rain Down the Drain”

More than 115 Duke Energy employees from  different facets of the company participated on Nov. 10 from 8:30 – 11: 30 a.m. in St. Petersburg concentrating their efforts in downtown, the USF St Petersburg area, Coquina Key and the Harbordale neighborhood along Salt Creek. Employee volunteers picked up trash and marked more than 150 storm drains to help prevent garbage and pollutants from washing down storm drains into Tampa Bay where it can remain for generations.


In all, 98 large bags of trash were collected. Those bags were stuffed with everything imaginable including:

– 1013 cigarette butts
– 707 food wrappers and take-out containers
– 336 straws and stirrers
–  236 cans
– 181 plastic cups and beverage containers
– 154 paper cups and beverage containers 
– 119 glass bottles.

Teams recovered a number of unusual items such as lottery tickets, one-quarter of a dollar bill, two wigs, used diapers, two bullets, a shot gun shell, a golf ball, CDs, DVDs, headphones, a toothbrush, a wrench and a tiara.

The commitment of these employees helps to make a positive difference in our communities.

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