Don’t Trash the Holidays

christmas-tree-with-trashThe holidays are a season for giving but we often end up giving too much to the landfill. Holiday gift wrap, cardboard and party goods add up to truckloads of extra garbage. Start your own “reduce, reuse and recycle” traditions to trim holiday waste.

Green holiday tips:

– Give an eco-friendly present such as a gift card, zoo pass, event ticket or fishing license instead of items that will ultimately be thrown away.

– Give the gift of time, such as a lunch invitation or a picnic at the beach.

– Bring your own reusable bag, or skip the bag, when you shop for the holidays.

– Look for recycled content when buying items such as greeting cards.

– Consider buying items with less packaging.


– Make room for new items by collecting clothes, toys or household items to donate to charity.

– Buy rechargeable batteries, instead of disposable, for electronic holiday gifts.

– Reuse holiday wrappings such as gift bags, ribbons and bows.

– Reuse packing materials such as boxes or plastic peanuts.

– Set up a recycling bin for cans and bottles if you host a holiday party.

– Entertain with reusable dishes, silverware and cloth napkins instead of disposable items.

– Replace incandescent Christmas lights with energy-efficient LED lights.

– Recycle cardboard and holiday papers (used gift wrap, tissue paper or greeting cards) with “mixed paper” at curbside or drop-off. For a list of local recycling programs, visit

– Find a new home for usable items that have been replaced by visiting our A to Z Guide at

– Recycle your Christmas tree. Most cities in Pinellas County collect trees for recycling either at curbside or drop-off sites. For information about Christmas tree recycling in Pinellas County visit
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Article Courtesy of Pinellas County Waste Management

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