Donate Supplies to Help Locate Kids & Get 20% Off at Sign of the Dolphin This February & March

Locally owned Sign of the Dolphin is helping Eckerd Connects collect much needed supplies for the children they care for.  Beginning January 28th through the month of March, drop off any item listed below to the donation boxes inside the store and they will go straight to where they are needed most. 

To thank you for your effort, Sign of the Dolphin will give you a coupon for 20% off any item in the store (some restrictions apply).  Those who contribute will also receive a special invitation to the Spring Fling taking place at Sign of the Dolphin on March 31st.  The local director of Eckerd Connects will be there during the Spring Fling to thank you and share the word on their great mission.

When children are removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect, they often enter foster care with just the clothes on their backs, seldom have a toothbrush and carry the few belongings they have in a garbage bag!

Eckerd Connects | Raising Hope’s ROOM OF HOPE is a cheerful room with a storefront appearance filled with clothing, shoes, diapers, hygiene items, duffel bags and much more so foster children and teens can “shop” for what they need with pride and dignity. Your caring efforts will greatly soften the trauma these children are enduring.

Remember, no child asks to come to foster care, and they should never carry their life belongings in a garbage bag.

Every Child Deserves HOPE!

BABY ITEMS: Diapers & Pull-Ups (all sizes), Baby Wipes, Baby shampoo, powder, wash & lotion, Sleepers & bibs, baby blankets & receiving blankets

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: NEW Backpacks, folders, notebook paper & binders, crayons, pencils & markets, colored pencils, spiral & comp notebooks

OTHER NEEDED ITEMS: Duffle bags,NEW stuffed animals

CLOTHING ITEMS: NEW & Gently-Used clothing (ALL sizes from newborn to teens) NEW socks, NEW undergarments, NEW PJ’s, NEW shoes (athletic shoes please)

TOILETRY ITEMS: Shampoo & Conditioner, African-American hair products, toothbrushes & toothpaste, brushes & combs, feminine hygiene products, lice treatment.

SIGN OF THE DOLPHIN  | Linda Wolbert – Sign of the Dolphin |  12999 Park Blvd., Seminole, 33766  | P: 727-393-1400

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