Whether you are a newcomer to the Tampa Bay (like Pete was 52 years ago) or a lifetime resident like Renee, Paradise NEWS is created just for you and your Florida lifestyle. It’s the best, most trusted source of community news, entertainment, arts and the best of Tampa Bay…and beyond.  

A subscription is a wonderful gift for a neighbor, a new homebuyer or renter who wants the inside scoop on local resources and what to do. People tell us Paradise NEWS helps people decide that Pinellas is where they want to live.

Paradise NEWS entertains and puts you in the know. The front of the magazine is filled with Tidbits/News, features on everything from fashion to home improvement, health and wellness, eco, shopping, sipping and dining fun introducing you to local and new favorites. Discounts and QR codes point you to menus and specials from local advertisers, another bonus of reading Paradise NEWS.  For dessert, the back of the magazine features 14 pages of comprehensive entertainment, arts and leisure listings updated monthly by Buddy Baker and arts news from Caron Schwartz.  

Each edition contains departments, with the latest in dining, entertainment, and the best of downtown St. Petersburg, expertly written by Executive Editor Nanette Wiser, for whom Paradise NEWS is more a passion than work. Journalist Steve Traiman’s feature articles cover issues, businesses and people shaping Tampa Bay. Our Live Life Better column anchors a growing wellness section of the magazine, including Sarah Lyons’ amazing astrology column and internationally renowned author Dennis Merritt Jones’ “Encouraging Words” are the ultimate feel-good advice for life in a chaotic world. 

As stewards of living in Paradise, we try to build each issue of the magazine better than the one before. It has been a goal since we began 280 issues ago in December of 1995. People tell us they read the magazine cover to cover, and that makes us both happy and grateful. Our art director Janet Nummi’s designs fill us with awe, a reflection of the beauty we live in daily.

Our advertisers tell us that locals and visitors respond to their ad campaigns in Paradise NEWS, and they return month after month to tell their story. We focus on local advertisers, small businesses and there are no national ads for pharmaceuticals and products. 

We only accept ads from vendors we have carefully selected and have great reviews from our readership. If you know a local merchant or service looking for more visibility and business, please suggest they advertise with Paradise NEWS. Email us directly at with contact info and we will follow up.

You’ll find Paradise NEWS online at via tablet, mobile or laptop is easy to use or look up previous articles. You can preview the new issue first of each month; June/July and August/September are bimonthly. Be sure to sign up on the website for our free, popular Thursday eblast about fun events around town and like us on social media so you’ll be the first to know.

Thank you for reading Paradise NEWS from its makers and creators. Your feedback is appreciated, and story ideas welcome.

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