Message from the Publishers

Publishing Paradise NEWS for more than a quarter century has been very personally rewarding. It allowed us to gather a wealth of information about enjoying life here in Paradise. We love to share the essentials for a quality life: art, music, great food, quality healthcare and a little place to call your own, as close to the beach as can be afforded.

We publish 10 times a year, monthly from October to May and twice in the summer, June/July and August/September. Our news online,, has a wealth of information, including back issue archives more than a decade deep. Weekly on Thursdays, we distribute a digital newsletter with our top picks of things to do each weekend. We see a direct effect each Thursday night and Friday morning as people click through to our website for more information, including a glimpse at their astrology. Our astrologer for almost 20 years, Sarah Lyons, is the best we have ever known. 

We do not spend a lot of time, effort or expense selling subscriptions. Yet, anyone who prefers to have a quality printed magazine can purchase online for a discounted $22.50/year. If you prefer digital reading, each issue is online for free around the first of each month.

Each issue covers about six weeks of time from the beginning of each month to the middle of the next month, when the next issue arrives in 20,000-25,000 high end waterfront mailboxes. We designed our publishing business as a remote business model when we started 27 years ago. While COVID devastated some of our clients’ businesses, others were fine, and they all needed our help more than ever.

While everyone is anxious to get “back to normal,” many specialists are predicting that our experiences over the past two years have taught us lessons we will not soon forget. “The new normal” may be with us for quite a while as the lessons learned adjust our behaviors long term. 

My mother’s father was one of my most successful ancestors, who lived through most of the 20th century. He told me when he was in his eighties that he had seen many amazing things come to pass in his lifetime and he was convinced that the pace of change and innovation would continue to accelerate. He was right, as was George Benson when he sang “Nothing Stays The Same.”

As we move into 2022, be patient with your loved ones, coworkers, and neighbors. You may not know what they are dealing with. For over a year now, we have closed each Paradise NEWS issue with Encouraging Words by Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones, right after the Astrology column. I have seen people read their Paradise NEWS from the back to read those columns first. 

This month we have two great feature stories. Our longtime feature writer, Steve Traiman, got an exclusive interview with St. Petersburg’s next mayor, Ken Welch. Our cover story is about an historic preservation issue in Pass-a-Grille. In between you will find great advice on health, wealth, dining, the arts, markets, and entertainment. If you call on any of our advertisers, please let them know you read about them in Paradise NEWS. Thanks for being a loyal reader. Have a great holiday and a terrific start to 2022.

1 thought on “Message from the Publishers”

  1. I always look forward to reading Paradise New’s on line, it keeps me posted on the news of a place at which I have spent so many happy times.
    I was a member of the SANDOWN and ST PETE BEACH Friendship Partnership, and enjoyed eleven visits, staying with Wayne and Ruth MacDowell.
    We were pleased to welcome Wayne, Roberta & Jon Whjpple, (Roberta was your Librarian, who sadly died) Jane Gaugh and Jim Myers to Sandown, Isle of Wight, and show them around our beautiful Island, which is situated four miles across the Solent from Portsmouth.UK.

    May I wish all your readers, a Happy New Year.

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