December 2018 Astrology Forecast

We start our last month of 2018 with relationship planet Venus returning to passionate Scorpio on the 2nd.  Love and money become serious business now but Mars and Neptune add a gentle, sensitive and romantic tone as we near the holidays.  Mercury will begin to move direct on the 6th for clear sailing through the rest of the year; but be patient as he gets started again!  The New Moon in optimistic Sagittarius falls on the 7th; starting a lunar cycle ready to take chances and break a few molds! Compassion and charity work will be a strong focus as we think of those in need.  On the 12th Mercury will join Jupiter in Sagittarius! These two planets are ready for travel near of far! The holiday spirit will be spread far and wide; whether in person, by mail, online, phone or visits and done with much generosity!     

The Winter Solstice occurs on the 21st as the Sun enters Capricorn beginning our coldest season!  The very next day a Full Snow Moon in home and family loving Cancer lights up the sky! The mood can be reflective and serious, but compassionate and understanding now.  Set boundaries and avoid power struggles during gatherings. Be assertive but allow others to express their feelings openly. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day enjoy the warm, sunny, generous spirit of a Leo Moon!  Conversations are lively and an “over the top” atmosphere prevails wherever you go! Don’t miss the lavish parties and accept all invitations that come your way! New Years Eve will usher in 2019 with an intense, passionate Scorpio Moon!  Overindulgence is likely as we may not be aware of the extent we take the celebrating to! We get an extra boost of bold energy from Mars as he goes home to Aries the night of the 31st; starting the new year off with action! Final word; celebrate safe and enjoy a very Happy New Year!

SAGITTARIUS:  You are off to a new start this month with adventure on your mind!  You may even forgo family gatherings for some time on your own! Financial matters surface.  Let go of the old before your new year!   

CAPRICORN:  Private affairs take new interest.  Social calendar fills and keeps you on the go! Drive with awareness; speak with clarity and care.    Relationships take center stage on a meaningful note as the holidays near.

AQUARIUS:  New activity lights up social life! You are in a giving mood with time and money.  Career is enhanced and energy goes into earning. Health matters surface; need attention; you get the assistance you need.     

PISCES:  A new path for career opens up with many choices!  You take action, but feel uncertain. Travel is pleasant.  Full moon shines a serious beam onto romance, children and fun time!  Explore and enjoy learning!

ARIES:  You are ready to travel and explore; a trip is likely, maybe a private getaway.  Resources are enhanced and support comes easily. Spotlight falls on home and family; intimate sharing and duties to your loved ones.      

TAURUS:  A new start in finances begins; don’t let others mislead you.  Partner is pleasing and relationships are enjoyable. Travel is pleasant but comes with obligations.  Energy goes into charity work, friends; social time.

GEMINI:  New energy fills relationships with opportunities and growth. Health improves.  Workplace is pleasant; superiors supportive. Income and financial developments are your focus; plans go well, support comes easily.      

CANCER:  The workplace livens up with new paths to explore!  Health will begin to improve. Romance is favored; enjoy recreation, fun, take a trip!  You are in the full moon spotlight; support partner, learn, explore together.

LEO:  Romance has new beginnings.  Fun, hobbies and children are new interests.  Home and family time is favored. Enjoy intimate moments and private time.  Work, duties are demanding; balance for health is required.

VIRGO:  Home life is filled with new activity!  Family time is enjoyable and fun! Daily life and conversations are pleasant.  Work together with partner. Social life and group invitations fill your holiday schedule and spare time!   

LIBRA:  New energy surrounds everyday life and keeps you on the go!  Income is enhanced; workplace active and career or position puts you in the spotlight!  Balance professional life with family, personal obligations.

SCORPIO:  New financial plans emerge; opportunities are many. You are favored now and easily get your way! Romance and leisure time gets your attention.  Travel comes with obligations; learning serious; but still enjoyed!  

Have a nice Thanksgiving!


Sirius Systems Astrological Services
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