County Working with Municipal Partners on Beach Renourishment

A beach renourishment project in Pinellas County has been approved to repair environmental damages sustained from Hurricane Hermine. During the storm, large portions of sand washed away, reducing the amount of shoreline.

The Pinellas County Shore Protection Project, a cost share partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, will cover nearly 22-miles of shoreline actively maintained by the federal government. The maintenance is divided into three segments that include Sand Key, Treasure Island and Long Key. Pinellas County, the Corps and municipal partners are working together to ensure completion.

To complete the project, easements will be required over portions of the properties located along the coast where the renourishment activity is taking place. Easements will allow the work to continue and keep beach areas open to the public. The county and municipal partners have reached out to affected property owners along the coast to secure the easements.

Beach renourishment benefits the community by providing increased storm protection for property owners, recreational opportunities for beach visitors, and creates important habitat for shorebirds and nesting sea turtles. The project aligns with Pinellas County’s strategic plan of practicing superior environmental stewardship to preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches parks and historical assets.

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