The Centre: Coping with Covid

By Michael Moses

A recent study at Oregon State Health & Science University found that certain cannabinoid acids may have the ability to prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human cells. 

“Van Breemen and collaborators, including scientists at OSU, found that a pair of cannabinoid acids bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, blocking a critical step in the process the virus uses to infect people.” The study goes on to say, “the two cannabinoids with the highest affinities for the spike protein were CBDA and CGBA, and they were confirmed to block infection.”

Does this mean that smoking cannabis will block infection? No. These cannabinoids are only found in the raw plant and minimally processed products.

The Centre of St. Pete Beach is a cannabis-centric educational, meeting and event facility, located at the crossroads of Blind Pass Road and 76th Ave., St. Pete Beach 33706. KUBA En La Playa, one of the top 10 restaurants in Tampa Bay, fills its northwest corner, with a service window and picnic tables open daily, weather permitting. Call 727-409-3009 for catering info. Inside, there is a large yoga room where a variety of classes are conducted, and an intimate massage room, with massage therapists on staff. A comfortable sitting area feels like someone’s living room. Classes on integrating cannabis into your diet are held in an open kitchen area. A recent Valentine-themed class dipped strawberries into “enhanced” melted chocolate.

Triverde Health has a doctor’s office where you can get certified for medical marijuana by appointment. Seasonal residents of Florida.  Call 727-322-4588 or visit

The Centre of St. Pete Beach also sells some of the highest quality CBD products available for humans and pets. Front counter personnel help customers select the best products for them. Substantial discounts are offered for military veterans.

Events sponsored by The Centre often include the opportunity to meet representatives of several dispensaries in one beach location. Such an opportunity will be on April 30, when The Centre hosts the second annual 420 Festival.

Coping with Covid – The omicron variant has been everywhere lately and recently found The Centre@St Pete Beach’s Michael Moses who used cannabis for his symptoms. 

What was your Covid experience like?

I had 104.7 fever for 12 hours. Then 102 for 24 hours before back to normal! Extreme headaches and a heavy sadness depression.  

What kinds of medications did you use to ease your symptoms?

Tylenol for the 36 hours of fever, along with a variety of CBD and THC products from The Centre.

Impirica cream on the exterior of my neck and glands each night before bedtime, to keep the swelling of those glands down.

CR Balance Coconut Oil once the COVID became a sinus infection.  Three times daily I coated my interior gumlines along the side of the sinus pain. I sprayed CR Relief on the outside of my cheek where I felt sinus pressure.  

Synchronicity capsules – Used for overall treatment and I felt like a new person the next morning. The extra boost of CBD really made a difference in my energy level and lightened my mood. 

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