Construction: Build Your New Home NOW! 

It’s funny how I see many of the same customers coming through my model home every few months, and each time they “get closer” to making that decision to build a new Florida home. Sure they are going to have to switch their investment monies from the stock market to Florida real estate, but the reward is a new very well designed home, raised above the flood plain to eliminate the threat of hurricanes, with energy efficient, hurricane windows & doors, with new 2017 designs and floor plans that are far superior to the 60 year old housing stock on the waterfront lots today. Most probably the new Florida home investment will offer a higher return to those customers for those investment dollars.

The problem is the wait! I wish I could wave the magic wand and stop inflation, but of course, that’s not the case. Building costs rise every year, and it’s frustrating for customers to bring back a 6 month old brochure with pricing on one of our homes, and then see the new higher prices on the same model when they return. “If only I bought last year…” I hear it every day!

Builders can’t return to yesterday’s pricing, but customers can make that decision to bite the bullet and purchase a new Florida home now and not pay the higher price next year. For those customers that presently own a waterfront home on the intercoastal, the land value will continue to rise, but their home itself built below the flood plain is not increasing in value, and most are not marketable for sale except for buyers that will tear down the old structure and build new. I Co-Broke with

Realtors all around Pinellas County and they all tell me their listings on the water are flat to non-existent. Many Realtors are bringing their clients to our model to see what is available with new home construction today. I’ll be introducing an exciting new model in the February issue of Paradise News that is now under construction. I’ll have Open Houses for existing home replacement customers, and snowbirds that have finally decided that the Sunshine state is a great place to live, or Realtors that want to see an alternative that they can offer their customers. Be sure to look for this “Florida Coastal” design and floor plan next month. Any Realtor that wants a private tour of the model by themselves or with a client, feel free to call me to set a private meeting. My office number is (727) 323-5119 ext 2004

GHD Construction Services, Inc. has constructed 6,000 homes since 1971 and has a new Solar model home at 14305 N. Bayshore Dr., Madeira Beach. If you have any questions pertaining to new home construction, feel free to email me directly at: or request a meeting at our new model.

Article by Tom Smith – GHD Construction Services, Inc.

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