CONSTRUCTION: Residential Real Estate Advice

For the past 18 months with these news articles, I’ve attempted to provide the most accurate information for reconstruction options for residential properties along the beach communities. Most homes in the 13 municipalities of the Pinellas beaches were constructed 50 – 60 years ago. You may look at your present property simply as a home, but in reality, it is the biggest investment for most families. I’ll continue to state my opinion based upon folks coming into our model home and discussing their situations. No matter which builder you choose to upgrade your home, I highly recommend that you consider my thoughts and not throw away the hard earned dollars that you have worked hard for in your careers.
This week alone I had 2 retired couples that own homes, come into our model very frustrated about their decision (mistake) that they made. One couple listened to poor advice from a neighbor and began remodeling using the FEMA 50% rule. Now $65,000 later, they realize their mistake and are going to demo the home and build new. The second couple already upgraded their existing home. I went to their home with them, and it was very nicely done, new cabinetry, etc. However, after 4 hurricanes this past year and knowing that the flood insurance rates will skyrocket when FEMA announces their new insurance rate program this year, they understand that their home built only 4’ above sea level rather than the now required 11’, means that their property value is very limited in the future, even if the big storm doesn’t flood the home before they decide to sell. GHD is working closely with this couple to design their new home to use their new cabinetry and items that they just paid for in the new home.
It’s a reality that many times it is actually less expensive to replace an existing home and build new today. I realize that it’s hard to believe, but after wrestling with the various layers of government and permit issues required for remodeling, costs generally increase dramatically on what looks like a simple home upgrade.
As I’ve stated many times, the “New Home Option” eliminates building on an old foundation, using existing outdated electric and plumbing items. Better yet, new homes today are constructed including FEMA elevations, 150 MPH hurricane protection, completely energy efficient, and of course, most important to most families, new 2018 modern designs that increase values substantially when it comes time to sell. I’ll say it again, use whatever builder you trust (hopefully you’ll consider GHD after a visit to our model), but don’t throw away money by putting “Lipstick on a Pig!”
For our new snowbirds considering a home along the Pinellas beaches, we also have many existing lots in the beach communities to choose from. We build from St. Pete Beach to Clearwater, and each community has its own character. We can also assist with very affordable mortgage financing if needed. We promise no high pressure from our
professional sales staff. They are there to inform you and show off today’s new home features. We are experiencing a great increase in snowbird traffic this year as many Baby Boomers are now making the final decision to invest in Florida. Don’t miss the boat and pay an estimated 10% more next year. Feel free to come by and check us out.
GHD Construction Services, Inc. has constructed 6,500 homes since 1971, and has the new 2018 “Key West” home at 239 144th Ave. N, Madeira Beach.
If you have any questions pertaining to new home construction, feel free to call at 727.954.8345­­, or email to: Meanwhile, look us up on our web site at

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