CONSTRUCTION: Another Year, And More Challenges in the Building Industry



Hard to believe that 2021 is now here, and Santa is back at the North Pole resting up for next year. Spring is just around the corner, and many families that come through our model center each year have now decided that it’s time to build their dream home here along the Pinellas beach communities. Again, new home costs have increased due to inflation, supply & demand, and unfortunately in 2021 it is predicted that another round of increases will take place, now due to constant FEMA changes and a new building code revision that is just now being put into place (2020 7th Edition, effective 12/31/2020).  

After the devastating pictures that we all saw with recent storms over the last couple years, it only stands to reason that the building industry cannot be allowed to construct homes using yesterday’s codes. When the big one hits Pinellas, we will see the same devastation from the existing homes built decades ago. It’s been 100 years since a direct hit hurricane came ashore in Pinellas County, but the odds are very probable of course. I hope to have 25 to 30 years left to chase my grandchildren around, and I hope that I do not witness a Pinellas direct hit, but the odds are probably going to catch up to us.

Specifically, the talk in the industry is that FEMA will enact even stronger standards for homes, for new construction and major remodeling. Some beach jurisdictions themselves are enacting more stringent codes than FEMA requires. The so called “50% Rule” may become history, so remodeling homes using this loophole may go the way of the dinosaurs. I can’t say I’m against that, seeing that if/when the storm comes, those family dollars now being spent for remodeling will be wasted as they will then be required to start over with an elevated home, at tomorrow’s costs. 

It’s also predicted that this tourist season, a record number of snowbirds will become homeowners along the beach communities. The trends are high with people moving to Florida due to the Covid pandemic and ultra-high tax laws in many other populous states. I personally enjoy seeing the new homes being constructed here by various builders in the many Pinellas communities. And thankfully, these newly constructed homes will weather the storm, being constructed under newer stricter codes to protect the homeowners investment and offering extremely lower flood insurance rates being that they meet the current code heights. Then too, these families that are now constructing new homes will appreciate many years of family enjoyment living in a new more modern home, as well as the peace of mind knowing the security of a new home, raised above the flood plain and constructed with today’s more stringent standards. 

GHD Coastal Homes, a division of GHD Construction Services, Inc., is now offering very attractive homes from under $550,000. Of course, each is constructed with today’s stringent Florida Building Codes as well as elevated to FEMA-required elevations. Please visit our website for details.

GHD Construction Services, Inc. has constructed 6,500 homes since 1971. If you have any questions pertaining to new home construction, feel free to come by the GHD showroom, call at (727) 954-8345, or email to: Meanwhile, look us up on our website at

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