Computer Corner: Small Biz Needs Outsource IT Today More Than Ever

computer-guyInformation Technology (IT) application in small business today is much different than it was a few years ago. Back then small business owners didn’t have much more to worry about with their computer systems beyond the basics.

Can we share data? Can we reach the Internet? Does email work? Can we print? All that has changed. 

With viruses, hackers, attack bots, mobile computing, software licensing, point-of-sale security rules, branch offices, video conferencing, VoIP telephony, backup systems, cross-platform integration, data centralization, and many other factors coming into play with the small business. Gone are the days of old where the tech savvy business owner can successfully manage and understand the application and consequences of doing it yourself, and often will find themselves in over their heads and placing their business at significant risk of not only experiencing significant downtime, but in many cases complete loss of that business due to lawsuits, fines, complete data loss and corporate espionage, among other threats. Additionally, small businesses are now increasingly becoming big targets for hackers interested in stealing your customer data for various nefarious purposes. The security just isn’t there. The boss set up the firewall, configured the server, and left the door wide open for the online criminals. The small business owner needs real IT help, both proactive and reactive, from a professional.

Traditionally, when your business has a demand for a specific skilled individual that goes beyond the scope of the MacGyver in the office, one would hire an employee to fulfill that need. Not so much in IT. A small office of five to fifty people typically can’t afford to have a staff position for a need which can be satisfied in just a few hours a week by someone trained, experienced, and proven in that field.

Enter the third-party IT professional. That person or group will be there when you need them and off the clock when you don’t. They can provide enterprise-level solutions to your business needs at a fraction of the cost of a staffer, specify and deploy the correct technology the first time, and with significantly reduced overall risk. They range from individual consultants to large support companies, and they are not all created equal. Every business is different, and finding a consultant or provider who is willing to listen to you and understand your business technology needs and tailor affordable custom solutions for what you need, and not just what they know, is difficult. Customer service and technical service are not usually served together by the same person either yet it is critical that you get them both from your IT service company. In larger support companies, you often pay for two people to deliver that package. With individual consultants, one usually has to compromise one for the other, with customer service usually being the sacrifice. It doesn’t have to be that way though. It will be hard to find that professional. When you do find it, hang on to them.

Pellitech, a local growing IT consulting business serving customers from St. Pete to Venice,is such a provider. With a business approach focusing on the reality that the IT support business is truly a customer service business, supplying expertise in small business technology and risk management, and with peace of mind being the actual deliverable, Pellitech sets itself far apart from the overwhelming majority of competitors in the field. Pellitech demonstrates that being a professional means placing its customers’ needs ahead of it’s own. 

Pellitech provides a wide array of IT services including computer network engineering, server building and support, desktop support, license management, regulations and standards compliance, disaster recovery planning and preparation, maintenance and repairs, office relocation and expansion, and much more. Windows, Apple and Linux systems are all supported, as well as many of the most popular telecom and multimedia platforms.

Call Pellitech today to speak with a professional who will make a real difference for you and your company at (941) 404-8247.

Editor’s Note: Paradise NEWS found Pellitech this summer when we were upgrading our Macintosh based magazine production network hardware and software. We found their services very beneficial and consider Pellitech a local leader in IT network services.

Article by Ryan Ploger

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