Home Cooking: Coast Brothers To The Rescue

Article By Peter Roos

Home cooks, look no further than Coast Brothers online for cooking and cleaning products.  It’s a local success story and a win-win for consumers. 

CoastBrothers.com and their sister company, BuyItByTheCase.com, are e-commerce companies with 30+ years in the Tampa Bay area.

Coast Brothers pivoted during the pandemic from a local distribution company that sold and delivered products to local businesses to national distribution to consumers and businesses online. The company’s owners, Steven Collins and his son Patrick, knew what they were doing. Business skyrocketed and there is something on their website that will help you clean and cook without going to the store.

Patrick says that the e-commerce business potential amazes him.  Brand recognition and loyalty of customers to certain American brands also impresses him. Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches and Hershey’s chocolate chips for example.

There are four broad categories on their website, including Home Essentials, Foods, Beverages and Commercial products. The Food tab features Breakfast, Canned Goods, Entrees, Frozen, Healthy Foods / Specialty Diet, International, Pantry and Snacks. The Healthy Food Tab features Organic, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Keto-Friendly, Kosher and more.

Coast Brothers was honored for community service. Perhaps you saw their delivery trucks, painted with amazing sea life murals by Vitale Brothers and Derek Donnelly. At the suggestion of Steve’s brother John Collins, recently retired founder of the Arts Alliance, they also held a songwriting competition to put music to videos of the painting process. Ever the local champions, the Collinses donated their four delivery trucks to local charities.

In January 2021, Coast Brothers was recognized by the Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce for these efforts to support the arts community, and for their donation of snacks to the school system to help feed needy children.

Coming Up: Home Cooking With Coast Brothers: Patrick wants to give back to Paradise NEWS readers too, and starting in the June/July issue, will provide recipes both in print and online.  Patrick would love to see Coast Brothers’ business in Florida take off, since shipping in-state is quick and less expensive. He plans to have a recipe in each issue, utilizing some of the incredible variety of food items as ingredients that can be ordered from them (if you do not already have them in your pantry) and delivered to your home for free. He also plans to post videos showing how the recipe can be prepared, like you are watching it on a cooking channel.

While you are waiting for the first recipe next month, log onto www.CoastBrothers.com and see if there is something you would love to have them ship straight to your home. 

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