Clothes To Kids Annual Shoe Drive for Tampa Bay Youth

“Shoetober” is Clothes To Kids month-long collection drive for new and gently used shoes. Each year Clothes To Kids provides more than 13,000 pairs of shoes to kids in our communities. Our mission is to provide new and quality used clothing to low income or in crisis school age children, free of charge. Don’t be spooked, we need Y-O-U-R help with Shoetober!

160,000 kids in our communities cannot afford school shoes. This year we are unable to have our annual Kick One Back event so our new, You’ve Been “Shoed” initiative helps us raise money for kids school shoes. We need
children sizes 9 thru adult size 14. Here is how you, your family, friends, neighbors and business associates can help:

  1. Purchase shoes! The cost for shoes is $12/pair. Buy one or two pairs here.
  2. Keep it going! Shoe a colleague, family or friend.
    A. “Shoe” via email
    B. “Shoe” via yard sign
    It’s that easy! Please contact Megan DiBlasi at for “SHOED” email template
    and/or yard sign.
  3. Run a shoe drive for us to help collect kids school shoes.
  4. Visit our Amazon wish list. Click on a pair of shoes, add to cart and they will be shipped directly to our

Shoe it to us because shoes take you to great places!

Drop off donations from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at any of our three stores: Tampa – 5011-H West Hillsborough Avenue, Clearwater – 1059 North Hercules Avenue and St. Pete – 2168 34th Street South. Monetary donations can be sent to Clothes To Kids, 1059 N. Hercules Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33765. Donations are tax deductible and are used to purchase clothing in short supply.

CTK follows the CDC, state and local guidelines by protecting the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and our shopping families. For more information please visit our website at or call 727-441-5050. If you have questions please contact: Megan DiBlasi by email or by phone
Office – 813-616-6430; Cell: 727-515-4520.

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