City of St. Pete Beach Debris Removal after Hurricane Irma

The City of St. Pete Beach’s FEMA approved Debris Collection Contractor started Monday and is working on what is called the First Pass.  In accordance with FEMA guidance, debris collection is done in three passes.  That gives everyone plenty of time to get storm debris out to the curb.  They expect the First Pass to be completed by September 29th.  Each of the next two passes is expected to take 2 weeks for a total of 6 weeks of storm debris collection.  The First Pass is for vegetation only.

The contractor uses a large truck with a collection boom and a smaller skid steer to push piles of debris together for the boom to pick up.  The contractor will not pick up any debris that is in bags or containers.  If you have debris already bagged up or in your container please dump it out on the pile of debris already in the street or make a new pile.  We are receiving a lot of phone calls regarding leaves and small twigs that have already been placed in bags and folks do not want to dump that out because it will blow all over the neighborhood.  We cannot change our process but what we do suggest is to keep an eye out for the contractor’s truck.  When you see him in your neighborhood, on that day, go ahead and empty the bags and containers on the curb.  We recognize there will be some sweepings left behind and that will require some additional effort.  These are not ordinary times and during our recovery we must ask more of ourselves as a community to get through this.  Please do not place debris near mailboxes, telephone poles or any other structure.

St. Pete Beach’s regular garbage collection and recycling contractor is working hard to get back on their regular schedule.  Because of the power outage the volume of waste is about three times the normal amount therefore, they will not pick up any container or bag that contains storm debris while the FEMA Debris Collection Contractor is working in the City.  They just don’t have room in the garbage trucks and their priority is household garbage.  The City is reimbursed by FEMA for storm debris collection and is not reimbursed for storm debris that is mixed in with regular household garbage so they are asking everyone to separate out the storm debris from household garbage and place it at the curb.

The Debris Collection Contractor will also pick up structural debris such as fences, gates, roof shingles and such but not at the same time as the vegetation.  They will not pick up any debris that is not storm related such as furniture.  They had no flooding so that sort of debris is not allowed.  Anyone with that type of debris should call Progressive Waste Customer Service for a special pick up; (727) 572-6800

Questions, suggestions?  Please call Public Works at (727) 363-9243.

Information courtesy of the City of St. Pete Beach.

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