City of Gulfport Completes $500 Independently Operated Small Business Grant Program for Businesses with 1-2 Employees

On May 5, 2020, Gulfport City Council established the Gulfport Gateway Grant Program for eligible small businesses negatively impacted by COVID‐19. City Council authorized 40, one-time, $1,000 grants and 20, $500 grants to eligible applicants from the City of Gulfport’s unrestricted General Fund Balance.

As of today, June 4, 2020, the City of Gulfport has successfully completed the small business Gateway Grant program for businesses that employ between 1-2 full-time equivalent employees. 22, $500 grants for City of Gulfport independently operated small businesses are successfully processed. The $500 program has reached capacity and therefore we are no longer accepting applications.

18, $1,000 grants remain available for eligible small businesses that employ between 3-50 full-time equivalent employees. Businesses eligible for these type grants, must be physically located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Gulfport, independently operated, a brick and mortar location that has suffered a loss of revenue due to COVID-19, have a current City of Gulfport business tax license, and in operation during February 2020 with employees for whom it paid salaries and payroll taxes.

There are limited remaining funds that will be continued to be distributed on a first come first serve basis. For more information, please access the application at or contact Carol Parker at (727) 893-1076, email

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