City of Gulfport City Council PSA on the Importance of Wearing Masks

Mayor Henderson and the Gulfport City Council addressed the importance of mask usage during the COVID-19 pandemic (Video link) saying, “WE MUST CONTINUE to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves and our loved ones.”

The CDC recommends that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
And Remember, 

  • Wash your hands often,
  • Cover your cough or sneeze,
  • Avoid touching your face,
  • Clean and disinfect frequently,
  • Avoid close contact, Stay home if you are sick and,
  • Call your doctor if you develop fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.

We in the City of Gulfport have already distributed 20,000 masks to people in our community and people visiting us. In need of a FREE face mask? Visit one of these City of Gulfport locations:

  • 49th Street Neighborhood Center1617 49th St. S., GulfportMonday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.(727) 893-1000
  • Gulfport Casino Ballroom5500 Shore Blvd. S., GulfportMonday through Friday from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.(727) 893-1000

Both facilities are walk-up sites. Cloth face masks will be available on a first come, first served basis while supplies last.

“WE wear a mask to protect YOU, Let’s ALL wear a mask to protect each other!” Gulfport City Council. 

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