100 Women Who Care of Pinellas County presented Cindy’s Pets with a donation of $11,650 on July 7, 2021. Cindy’s Pets provides and delivers pet food for the pets of senior citizens in Pasco County who participate in the Meals on Wheels program, thereby assuring that both the seniors and their pets have plenty to eat. The group will also receive a $5,000 matching grant from the Richard M. Schulze Foundation.
100 Women Who Care of Pinellas County is a philanthropic group that provides an avenue for women to join together to bring financial support to local, charitable organizations that have a 501(c)(3) status. Members commit to attending four meetings per year (one per quarter) and pledge to donate $100 to an elected charity at each meeting. For each meeting, the members have the opportunity to nominate a charity, three of the nominated charities are then randomly selected to give a 5-minute presentation, a vote is taken, and then checks are written directly to the winning charity. Since February of 2013, the group has given $318,850 to local charities. The next quarterly meeting (with options of both Zoom and live) will be 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 17th at Cove Cay Golf Club, located at 2612 Cove Cay Drive in Clearwater. There is a social time from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the Cove Cay restaurant, where drinks and snacks may be purchased. Contact Brenda George at 727-515-1868 for more information or visit our web site at www.100womenpinellas.org.

100 Women Who Care Invites Local Women to Attend Aug 17 Meeting
Brenda George and Julie Webster, two local women involved in the community, started “100 Women Who Care of Pinellas County” in February 2013 to raise money for local charities. The group has collectively given away $318,850 in the last eight years.
100 Women Who Care provides an avenue for women to join together to make a significant impact on local charities. Members commit to attending only 4 meetings per year, and they pledge to donate $100 directly to an elected charity at each meeting. The charities are nominated and then voted on by the members. The goal is to have 100 or more members, which would result in a lump sum of $10,000 for the charitable organization selected at each meeting. The founder of Best Buy, Richard M. Schulze, has a foundation that can match the group’s donation by up to $5,000. The concept of this group is modeled after the original 100 Women Who Care, started in 2006 by Karen Dunigan, from Jackson, Michigan. Because it is so simple and effective, the concept has been implemented in many communities throughout the country and the world.
The next meeting (with options of both Zoom and in-person) will be 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 17, at Cove Cay Golf Club, located at 2612 Cove Cay Drive in Clearwater. There is a social time from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the Cove Cay restaurant, where drinks and snacks may be purchased. For more information, please contact Brenda George at (727) 515-1868 or Julie Webster at (813) 760-4749 or email them at info@100womenpinellas.org. The group can also be found on Facebook at 100+ Women Who Care– Pinellas County or www.100womenpinellas.org.