By Dennis Merritt Jones, DD

What If Christmas Lasted All Year Long?

“Because of Christmas we feel the fellowship of kindred spirits, of something deeper than the gift that’s been given, and we know instinctively that beyond the frenzy of it all, a hopeful quiet lies ahead, gift-wrapped in a day of peace when the world is strangely still and we are conscious of our deepest self.  ~ Marcus Bach”

I cherish the days leading up to and culminating on Christmas. While some people see those days as frenzy-filled and crazy, I see them as magical and transformational. There is something about Christmas that seems to bring out the best in most of us, and I wish that seasonal cheer could be a daily experience between strangers, neighbors, family, and friends. 

What is the secret ingredient? The answer is clearly love. During the holiday season love seems to live closer to the surface of our lives, and when we enter the Christmas of the heart, we discover a transformational doorway that leads to our deepest self. The gift-giving, bright lights, great food, and festive music help stimulate good feelings, but it is the love that ascends from that quiet place within our deepest self that brings out the best in us. 

That deepest self is the point within where our humanity dissolves into our divinity–our oneness with God. When we are conscious of our deepest self, Christmas becomes a sacred remembrance of who and what is truly important. As a result, we treat ourselves and others with more respect and compassion and with a generosity of spirit that makes life rich far beyond any material gifts given. Because of the Christmas of the heart, selflessness replaces selfishness, “we” becomes more important than “me,” and the day brings with it a stillness and inner peace that transcends all human understanding. 

I have often wondered what it would be like if we could celebrate Christmas every day of the year. Can you imagine your life, your home and your world with that much love, kindness, generosity, forgiveness, peace and joy? Over 2,000 years ago someone did imagine those possibilities. In Because of Christmas, written by one of my mentors and old friend Marcus Bach, he says: “Someday a special genius will come along with a plan, a system, and a technique for extending the supernormal magic of the day into weeks and months and eventually into a year, bridging the gap from Christmas to Christmas until we say, ‘Why didn’t someone think of this long time ago?’ The truth is, Someone did, but apparently He made it too simple. From the humble setting of a manger, He merely asked us to remember that God is real and life is good.” 

To all our Paradise NEWS readers, a happy New Year. For our friends who celebrate Hanukah and Kwaanza during December, our blessing is the same: to keep peace, compassion, faith, and spirit in your heart and pass it on to others.

Peace, Dennis Merritt Jones, DD  •  Copyright  © 2023 – DMJ Presentations LLC  •  www.DennisMerrittJones.com
Dennis Merritt Jones’ vision is “Guiding People to Purpose.” He is an award-winning author of six books, a keynote speaker, and personal mentor/coach who loves living in St. Petersburg. If you would like more information regarding his availability as a speaker, his mentoring programs, and his books, please visit his website at DennisMerrittJones.com.

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