Charity Fundraisers and Opportunities: John’s Pass Seafood Festival 2017

John’s Pass Seafood Festival offers charity fundraising opportunities and exposure. Have you ever wanted to be crowned King or Queen but haven’t had the opportunity? Let all of your dreams come true while raising money for your favorite charity this October. Applications for King and Queen are now being accepted. Votes will be collected based on funds raised. The male and female with the highest amount raised will split all incoming funds raised by all participants (including $100 entry fee per candidate) to be written the form of a check and presented to the charity of their choice. The crowning will immediately follow Sunday’s World Largest Bloody Mary Toast benefitting American Heart Association.

This year’s Charity Zone will be located at the bell tower on the south end of the village. Free half day booth space will be given to 12 qualified charity applicants. For information on participation or as a King or Queen nominee visit

The 36th Annual John’s Pass Seafood Festival held on the last weekend of October annually. This year’s
festival dates are Thursday, October 26th– Sunday, October 29th , 2017. For 35 years, the John’s Pass
Seafood Festival has featured non-stop musical performances from some of the best bands, hundreds of
craft vendors, hundreds of local businesses, amazing seafood and has always been FREE to the public.
This year the festival includes a Halloween Block Party, featuring an Adult Costume Contest with $5,000
in cash prizes on Friday, October 27th . Seafood Fest 5K and The Battle at the Pass Fishing Tournament on
Saturday, October 28th will challenge runners and anglers of all skill levels. On Sunday, October 29 th at
1p.m. we will attempt to break the official World Record Bloody Mary Toast with over two thousand
participants raising their glasses.

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