Celebrate Earth Day with Mail Art Contest

Pinellas County residents are encouraged to combine their love of environmental conservation with their creative talents to celebrate Earth Day this year. The UF/IFAS Extension Pinellas County is currently accepting entries for the 2017 Earth Day Mail Art competition. Participants may mail in their artistic entries for a chance to have them featured on social media.

Contest judges are looking for distinctive handmade entries based on the following themes:

• #ToEarthWithLove: creative art about giving back to Earth by recycling, composting and conserving water
• #LoveTampaBay: art pieces that express love for Tampa Bay’s waters and wildlife
• #PlasticAware: visualize how plastics impact the environment, people and/or communities

Entries in each category will be judged by age groups (12 and under, 13-18, and 18 and over). Prizes include a guided hike of Weedon Island Preserve, gardening-themed prize packs, energy saving kits, a tour of the Pinellas County Solid Waste Facility and more. To qualify, entries must be postmarked by Wednesday, April 5.

All artwork must be original and must not contain reproduction of existing artwork or images. Submit artwork to:

UF/IFAS Exension Pinellas County
Earth Day Mail Art Contest
Attention: Trevor Ackerman
12520 Ulmerton Road
Largo, FL 33774

Artists must include their name, email address, phone number, age and category that the artwork should be judged in. Winners will be contacted by phone or email on Friday, April 21.

All entries will be posted on the Pinellas Extension Facebook page and automatically entered in the “Facebook Fan Favorite” contest. That winner will receive a special prize as well. Vote for those entries atwww.facebook.com/PinellasExtension/.

For more information about the Mail Art Contest, prize information and further details about the rules, email Trevor Ackerman at tackerman@pinellascounty.org or visit http://pinellas.ifas.ufl.edu/MailArt.shtml.

Information courtesy of Pinellas County Government

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