CBD & WELLNESS:Using CBD To Reduce Anxiety?

By Margo Gilliland

One of the most studied and scientifically supported benefits of CBD is its ability to help us deal with stress and anxiety!

Without clear FDA guidance, optimal CBD use for anxiety varies from person to person.

Our systems process CBD differently. You may find one method works better for you over another.  CBD is available in the following forms:

Oils and Tinctures: which come in dropper bottles and are consumed by mouth

Gummies: which are chewable, sweet, often fruit flavored

Capsules: soft gels or tablets, taken individually by mouth like a pill

Vapes: which heat CBD oil without igniting it, resulting in an inhalable vapor

Flower: dried hemp plants that are typically ignited and smoked

Creams and Gels: introduce CBD topically (through the skin) as a more localized treatment

You may have to try different forms to determine what works best in addressing your anxiety.  Some methods provide relief immediately while other methods take longer to feel the effects.

The World Health Organization deems CBD a safe and generally well-tolerated substance.  However, if you are taking other medications you may want to check with your doctor.

We also have dog treats with high quality CBD that are helpful if these afternoon thunderstorms are bothering your pup!  I just had a friend buy some of the treats for her pups who were so scared by the thunder.  She said it is like a miracle for them.

You can buy CBD just about anywhere now, but not all CBD is equal, and neither is the labeling.  My commitment to my customers is always to provide a safe, clean product and education.  I am committed to providing organic, high-quality, and third-party lab-tested products for my clients. I help customers with combining solid cannabis science and my own lived experience.  I look forward to seeing you soon at The Goods. CBD. Hemp. Relief. Call 727-289-6020. No medical card is ever needed at The Goods.

Mention Paradise NEWS and get 10% off your first purchase. Stop by the store at 2939 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, FL 33713, and say hi to me, Margo, and my store dog Oliver!

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