CBD & Wellness By Margo Gilliland
CBD Might Help You Sleep!
A good night’s sleep is essential to your overall health and wellbeing. A good night’s rest also contributes to memory formation, helps grow and repair muscle and tissue, and prevents sickness. Seventy percent of Americans report not sleeping enough. That is one of the top reasons people come to a CBD store. Experiencing insomnia is way more than frustrating.
Close your eyes and imagine you are waking up refreshed from a full, restful night of sleep. Relief! Imagine if you or someone you know who struggles with sleep finds a solution that solves the struggle. For me, the solution has been CBD and the cannabis plant. After trying sleep studies, doctors appointments, pharmaceuticals, nothing was helping me sleep.

Finally, MDs and cannabis specialists at the world-renowned AIMS Institute in Seattle prescribed the cannabis plant formula that worked for me. I was finally able to get relief!
If you’re confused about cannabis, don’t worry. I hope I can bring some clarity to you about hemp (CBD) (cannabis). I’m passionate about educating our community on this plant.
I’ll continue in this column to explore the ways cannabis is helping me heal, literally! A recent Gallup poll found an estimated 42% of cannabidiol users take CBD to address mental health conditions, including insomnia. The beauty of CBD is limited downsides, not dealing with unwanted side effects or dependency.
For decades, the U.S. government classified hemp (CBD) as a Schedule 1 narcotic until the Farm Bill was passed in 2018, opening up funding for credible research to begin. Therefore, currently CBD relies mostly on anecdotal evidence as it awaits double-blind and placebo-controlled studies. Physicians report anecdotally seeing a lot of results in their patients. Many people who use CBD for sleep report life changing results. It seems to be beneficial in helping to normalize sleep patterns. I certainly can attest to that for me!
There are various forms of CBD available-tincture, capsules, edibles, vape, etcetera. The Goods carries organic, high-quality, lab-tested products. It is our passion to help others as we have been helped so much by the cannabis plant. Check out our website at www.thegoodsfl.com.
Stop by The Goods, 2939 Central Ave., St. Petersburg and meet me, Margo, and Oliver, my shop dog! Happy to help you navigate the cannabis world. Call me at the store 727-289-6020. No medical card is ever needed at The Goods.Mention Paradise News for 10% off your first purchase.