Bold New Look for SPB Library

SPB_Library_LogoWhen it celebrates its 45th anniversary in 2014, the St. Pete Beach Public Library should be on its way to a major expansion and renovation project that will see the current 8,200 square feet morph into about 12,100 square feet of new and repositioned space.

The estimated $1.9 million project, with pro bono plans from architect and former Mayor Ward Friszolowski of Harvard-Jolly, will include a 3,300-square-foot addition with a new entrance lobby and 75-capacity Community Room, expanded parking and a complete interior renovation.

As Library Administrator Phyllis Ruscella told Paradise News, “The changing needs of patrons drive the necessity for repurposing our existing space and extending the public areas and parking accommodation. Currently, approximately 80% of SPB residents have active library patron accounts, and on average, 100-plus new patron accounts are set up each month. Circulation reached a five-year high in 2012, averaging 16,500 items checked-out monthly. Similar increases have occurred in programming and resultant attendance. Computer usage has reached a plateau, limited by the number of public workstations available. Anticipated further demand can only be met by increasing the pcs available for public use.

“Each year of the past five years, there has been an incremental increase in ‘holds’ placed by SPB patrons for on items owned by other PPLC libraries and transferred here for pick-up. Likewise, there has been a steady increase in the number of titles from our collections requested and sent to patrons of other PPLC Libraries. Reference assistance, readers advisory, and computer help continues to escalate, especially with the mandate for governmental services to be e-access only.  In the past two years, the demand for staff help increased two-fold.

“All increases in demand for service translate into staffing level increases, extending hours, more flexible meeting space, and expansion of our volunteer team, all necessitating additional, streamlined workspace.

Architect Friszolowski’s View

The former Mayor recalls for Paradise News, “I have always been a Library user. When I joined Harvard-Jolly in 1988 as an intern, I had my degree and the library was the main place to go to study for my required national architectural exam. At that time, as now, Monday and Wednesday were late nights, so Bill Barnett, Director at the time, saw me regularly.

“I always liked the Library and as Mayor was proud to be a prime supporter, with our community known for its good library service. After my term ended in 2008, Commissioner Christopher Leonard asked me if I would chair the Library Advisory Board and I was delighted to accept. With the last Library interior renovation in 1994, at the time of the 40th anniversary in 2009, Roberta [Whipple,[ then Library Administrator] and I started talking about the need to give the Library a new refreshed look. With the exponential increase in the use of computers, there was a definite need for more user-friendly facilities as well as modernizing for both more efficient staff and patron needs.

“Although we lost Roberta several years ago, we are fortunate in having Phyllis Ruscella as our Library Administrator, and we began talking in earnest more than a year ago about a Library addition as well as important renovations.

“Those early plans have really evolved into a much needed 3,300-square-foot addition. The added space includes an entrance foyer, expanded restrooms and a long desired 75-capacity meeting room that can be divided into two spaces for the Library’s and community’s many programs.

“Some of the goals we wanted to achieve: The existing Library had a formal front door on 73rd Avenue that has been used only as an emergency exit, and the side entry by the parking lot has become the main entrance. We wanted to create a more civic entry so now we have an entry plaza that addresses the street and welcomes people from the parking lot. The city is hopeful in acquiring adjacent space for much needed added parking.

“Renovation plans for the existing space include such features as a new children’s area with more computers and seating, a new ‘storytime’ room for the younger set, more computers and seating for the public, a more efficient overall layout with a new circulation desk closer to the new main entrance, a better staff working area, a larger Friends’ Bookstore, a better display for new collection materials – books, DVD movies and music CDs, and more storage space overall.

“My wife Amber and I have been SPB residents for almost 26 years, and we both understand the value of the library. Harvard-Jolly is fortunately in a position to offer our architectural design services pro bono the city.”

[Ward is now Executive Vice President of Harvard-Jolly, which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year (see accompanying story).]

Project Funding Progress

The Library Addition and Expansion funding is off to a good start. Elaine Edmunds, City Finance Director who also had direct responsibility for Library operations, confirmed, “The budget submitted by Public Services Director Steve Hallock does include $830,000 in fiscal year 2014 for preliminary work on the Library expansion project and $1.15 million in fiscal year 2015 for construction. I would like to stress that this is preliminary and all projects submitted will have to be prioritized against funding available. The Library is heavily used by the community and has been in need of renovation for quite some time. The preliminary design submitted by the architects is quite an improvement from the facility as it currently stands. Hopefully, with the support of the community, this project will come to fruition.”Ruscella added, “The intent is to develop this formal fundraising plan for roll-out of public campaign in the fall. The Library is planning an informational session for the public sometime late August, with the architects, City Manager, and a City Commissioner there to present plans to community residents.”

She is currently investigating furnishings and interior design specialists, seeking details essential for the RFP to be written and announced for solicitation of bids further along in the project.  She will also be making site visits to recent renovation or new construction of public libraries in the region to gather ideas and observe workflow issues that are relevant to efficient and effective space utilization and public access.

The City has set up a separate account for all donations, big or small, designated for the multi-year Library facility expansion/renovation project. To make a contribution, please contact the Library Administrator directly or stop by the Library to learn more about how your contribution can help the City reach this goal.

Friends & Advisory Board Support

Muriel Desloovere, Friends Board President, recalls, “When the City made its decision to proceed with the new St Pete Beach Library in 1968, the Advisory Library Board endorsed a Friends of the Library group to supplement the construction costs and maintenance through fund-raising. The first Friends group materialized from the Board, and raised more than $26,000 of the $125,000 project cost for the new Library that opened October 5, 1969.

“The Friends today have been involved with plans for the renovation and expansion of the Library since the idea was a gleam in the eye of our late Administrator, Roberta Whipple. We saw the first plans drawn up in 2009 by Ward and his firm that is well known for its innovative work with libraries in Pinellas County and beyond.  Naturally, we made what we thought were helpful comments and suggestions.

“Roberta’s illness and the state of the economy put the project on hold, but happily not for long.  Phyllis, our new Administrator, once again called on Ward, who has done all the work pro bono, and the new plans are not only for renovation, but expansion as well. Phyllis did a wonderful job of presenting the plans to the City Commission, who endorsed the project enthusiastically.  Phyllis also obtained a significant construction grant from the PPLC.

“Going back to 2009, the Friends had started a concerted effort to raise funds for what was originally the renovation, with a significant amount in CDs now available, and we are certainly not stopping now. We are looking forward to the fall when fundraising will get into high gear, and the Friends aim to be at the forefront of that effort.”

Jean Andrews, SPB Library Advisory Board Chair, says, “Although I can’t give an official statement without clearing it with my fellow committee members, I think I can safely say that we’re all very pleased by the passage of the resolution that takes this badly needed renovation and expansion an important step ahead, and we’ll be supporting it in every way we can.

“Some of us were involved back when Roberta started dreaming and planning for these improvements and also enlisted Ward, who generously donated his time and expertise, to develop the initial drawings. We’re sad that she didn’t live to see this dream fulfilled, but we’re sure she’d be delighted to see what a great job Phyllis has done in carrying on. Although she has more than enough to do with the everyday running of the library, as well as additional related responsibilities for the PPLC, Phyllis did an amazing job of quickly pulling together everything needed to apply for—and receive– this very significant grant from the PPLC.

“We still have a long way to go and there’s a lot of money to be raised, but we’re going to have a twenty-first century library that will serve everyone in our community for many years to come and make us all proud that St. Pete Beach is a place where the Library plays an essential and valued role.”

[Editor’s Note: Special thanks to Ward Friszolowski, Phyllis Ruscella, Elaine Edmunds, Mike Bonfield, Muriel Desloovere and Jean Andrews for their excellent comments.]



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