Beatlemania at Gulfport Casino on January 20th, 2018

Show promoter Tony Belmont is flying the L.A . cast of Beatlemania to the Gulfport Casino for a single show on January 20. Tony is the protege’ of Alan Freed, who started the Rock & Roll concert phenomena at 10PM, March 21st, 1952, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Tony, who still maintains an office in Times Square but spends winters in Pinellas, says “The entire event is bankrolled by a generous benefactor, and all tickets sold directly benefit the Gulfport Chamber of Commerce.”

Chamber leaders wanted to sell out their New Years Eve party before they began promoting this concert, so word is late to get out, and $30 tickets were just beginning to be sold at press time.

Tony told Paradise NEWS that 500 performers were auditioned for Beatlemania in Los Angeles. These four were chosen because they looked, played and sounded the most authentic.

“Beatles fans will feel like the original Beatles are back, performing in the cozy venue on the north shore of Boca Ciega Bay” Tony continued.

Tickets are available at the Chamber Welcome Center, 3101 Beach Blvd S #1, Gulfport, 33707 and chamber president Barry Rubin said an Eventbrite Listing would be established for those who cannot make it during the chamber’s hours 9 – 5 M-Sat.,11 – 3 Sundays.

It will be a three, act show divided into two 45 Minute Presentations, with a 15 minute intermission. The entire show will run 1 hour & 45 minutes and perhaps an encore, but that’s up to the artists that time. Dancing will be allowed and a space will be left available for dancing during the show. This is not a local tribute act but the national touring group. Tony Belmont will produce and MC the show. He was part of the original touring show in NYC in 1978.

Act 1- The early days and the beginning of the Beatles with their early great hits!

Act 2 & 3 Takes the audience from the days of Sgt. Pepper and the psychedelic era to the Abbe Road album. There is a costume change from the Sgt. Pepper album cover look to the Abbe Road songs.

This is accomplished smoothly by leaving one member on stage and switching costumes quickly. These are seasoned actors, musicians /singers, which is why they are the national touring company. If you like the Beatles and their music, this is as close as it gets to the original group.

As a point of interest Tony’s 1957 white Cadillac was used for their US tour. His early partner, the late Clay Cole, had the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on his show the only time the two great groups ever appeared together.

Article by Peter Roos

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