Starting today, Monday, September 14, 2020, the State of Florida is allowing bars to reopen at 50 percent capacity, for seated service only. Pinellas County Government reminds bar owners and employees that countywide restrictions are in place to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Ordinance 20-14, passed by the Board of County Commissioners in June, has specific requirements for restaurants and bars that continue to be in effect in conjunction with the state’s limitations.

  • Employees must wear a face covering whether directly or indirectly preparing food or drinks, whether having customer contact or not, and whether indoors or outdoors.
  • Patrons must wear a face covering except when seated and consuming food or a drink and distanced six feet from other parties
  • Standing at a bar is prohibited. The state’s reopening plan and the County ordinance require that patrons be seated to be served drinks for on-site consumption.
  • Tables/bar stools must be spaced so that individuals and their companion(s) are separated six feet from others. Tables are limited to 10 guests.
  • Standing areas are not allowed. Patrons waiting to be seated must remain distanced in groups of no more than 10 people.
  • Bars and restaurants must establish rules that encourage social distancing, hand-washing and other protective measures based on CDC guidance.

The ordinance will remain in effect until the Board of County Commissioners repeals it or allows the county’s State of Local Emergency declaration to expire. The latest extension of the declaration runs through September 18.

Businesses are reminded that the ordinance does not affect their obligations under federal law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Information courtesy of the City of Gulfport.

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